~{ Prologue: } ~

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----- April 18th, 2010 -----

In the dead night the simple black van arrived in Suredale, it was nothing to remarkable, the van of a tradesman, and it was a trade the person who drove it, it was however, not a no noble profession, this was a Vampire mercenary. Truth be told he was no important person, as supernatural beings went, simply a hired gun nothing more. He was probably one of the more skilled fighters. He was loyal only too one thing, who ever could feed him. In fact, for that reason and that reason alone he had found himself permanently employed, that employment did mean most his kind hated him, but his employer could give him an unlimited supply of what he needed; Distilled human blood.

 As powerful as any Alpha-Vampire, one of the oldest one living Vampires, he couldn't feed otherwise, he didn't have an ounce of royalty in his blood so couldn't command a clan of his own, and thus couldn't call himself an 'Alpha-Vampire' in title but he was in power. He was strong enough that there were very few beings that could beat him in a fight. He pulled up to the church where he had been told to go, the place looked abandoned but judging by the fact that his current employer had given him this address it had to be right, admittedly it wasn't his 'permanent' employer, but this contract had promised him Demon blood and who was he to turn down such a meal. If you were to compare blood to wine then Distilled Human blood was a cheap off brand wine bought in a box, while Demon blood was of the finest vintage. 

 Not to mention, he was also promised something else that would make his own job much easier, a way to create Absolution Spell blessed bullets for his guns, a weapon which no matter how powerful the Clipeum would instantly breach it. He entered the compound as instructed and standing at the front door was a pair of Fallen Angel Eve and her Mate.

He stepped out of the truck adjusting the pistols on his hip, checking the revolver was loaded out of instinct, he currently had it loaded with Silver bullets. The rounds were unlikely to do little more than slow them down if this went wrong, but given his Vampiric speed a slow Fallen Angel was a dead Fallen Angel.

 As he got out of the van he walked up to the back door and opened it. Tied into the back was a young woman, not much older than nineteen. Her face was covered in a massive bruise that turned her peach skin almost purple, her chestnut hair was disheveled showing her distress, the left of her emerald eyes was blood shot and swollen, her arms were tied behind her back, with the rope causing her ample bosom to look larger than what it was, and both her feet were at such an angle that it was clear that her ankles were broken. On her right hand their seemed to be a tattoo, the symbol for Yin and Yang. The edges of her mouth were split and bleeding from the rosary which in some twisted mockery was being used as a gag to stop her from talking. As for the cloths she currently wore those who knew them would know; it was the uniform of a Custodies Veritas Combat operative. This was a simple thing, a cat suite designed for combat mobility rather than protection, as they relied on spells for that, hers was caught in white, there was a whole torn right in the center of the chest, which exposed bare skin where there had once been a cross that once held her Protection Spell. Around her neck was a strip of leather caught as if it was a priest collar. Upon it her rank was marked with simple lines. She looked at the Vampire, a cold look of distain on her face.

"Here you are Fallen, one Custodies Combat Operative. Just as promised." He spoke grabbing the girl by the throat and throwing her at Eve's feet. "My payment?"

"I'm glad you arrived with her so soon," Eve spoke a wicked grin of satisfaction plastered across her face. "After failing to obtain the fucking Nephilim I was glad my son was able to find me someone suitable."

"Look Lady," The vampire snapped impatiently. "I don't care about your little plan, I only care about the blood and bullets I was promised."

"Sorry, I forgot you weren't one of us," She replied snapping her fingers for one of her cultists to get the blood. "I'm afraid the bullets themselves will have to wait, however while you wait you will be kept well supplied in Demon blood, the Necromancer here in town had enough in his stores for me to supply you with a year's worth of the stuff."

The vampire looked shocked, a year's worth of Demon blood. It was true he could live of the Distilled human blood, but the stuff tasted worse than vomit, Demon blood though that was a different matter, and a year's supply. Well, that deserved more than just a simple kidnapping.

"Well, for a payment that good, I feel bad that I only brought you this minor trinket."

"Funny you should say that Darion, I do have need of a vampire to achieve my goals."

"Eve, so long as you keep the Demon blood flowing, I'm yours to command."

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