「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦

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𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙡, 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙠𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙖

minho is, for the lack of a better word, nervous.

chris had taken him away from changbin while they were in the middle of a workout routine; changbin had convinced minho to workout with him in addition to their regular walks.

he feels his legs get weaker with every step he takes, following behind the eerily quiet older male.

he stops suddenly; luckily minho had been far enough behind him that when did, he didn't bump into him, that would have been an entirely different awkward situation he was not ready for.

after you princess.
chris griped, a smile so obviously forced and fake.
minho moves quickly, hurrying past the broader male.
chris crosses the threshold four steps behind the other, closing the door.

minho stands in the middle of the room, a home office of sorts, awkwardly.
don't just stand there like an idiot, sit down.
chris demands, or maybe it's a suggestion, with the tone of his voice minho can't tell; he gestures towards the black leather sofa resting against the back wall.

minho complies, it's not like he really has a choice, taking a seat.
he watches chris reach into a mini fridge nearby; he tosses a water bottle to the younger male.
minho flinches away and chris audibly sighs in frustration.

listen, everyone here has a role to play.
chris starts; minho picks up the water bottle from the floor.
i always have a plan; these boys were specially picked by me because they have proven themselves to be useful.
he continues, sitting on the coffee table adjacent to the sofa, looking minho in the eyes; the younger male too intimidated to look away.
you have potential; felix sees it, changbin sees it, even i can see it.
the damage you caused to our japanese division is proof enough.
minho can tells he's starting to rant.

so, if you want to be able to stay here, you'll have to start pulling your weight.
a smile, minho can't tell what kind, starts to creep onto chris' face.
we have an extremely important mission in a month and i have a feeling you could be a very crucial part.
chris begins to inform.
but, you are not a fighter, that's been made painfully clear.
all of my boys have at least basic combat training and you won't be any different.
he sighs.

he exclaims, his hand finding a place on minho's knee.
i'm going to have you train with hyunjin for the next couple of weeks; he'll show you no mercy.
he smiles.

there's a knock on the door; once, then a second before the door opens.
speak of the perfect faced devil.
chris sighs, standing from the coffee table he'd been sitting on and walking towards the long haired male; minho takes it he should follow him.

well, i'll leave you two to it; changbin and i have get ready for an important meeting.
chris dismisses himself, patting hyunjin on the shoulder; he whispers something in the taller male's ear.

looks like i finally get some alone time with you, too bad it had to be under these sircumstances.
hyunjin sighs, threading his long fingers through his perfect, thick hair.
well, let's head to the training room.
he smiles, stepping aside to let minho exit the room first, closing the door behind him.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now