Episode 112

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Stella: You have to take me to Alubarna
Pell: Hey, are you all right
Stella: I'm fine! Look I need to look for my friends.
Pell: Friends? In your shape? What are you talking about? Hang on. I'll get a doctor.
He went to walk off when Stella's hand grabbed his shirt.
Stella: I'm going to make sure Crocodile pays for this. He made fun of Vivi My brother...and Todo...and he defiantly gonna pay...
Pell: Who are you?
Stella: Someone who's going to kick crocodiles Ass. She smiled. Before passing out from blood loss.
Pell: Hey stay with me. He went to check on her.
Man; I see it! It's still far but is
Alubarna! Koza, we're less than 30 minutes away!
Koza: Right! Alubarna is near. Rai's your sports!
Mano Chaka-sama! We've sighted the rebel, about 15 kilos in the south! Their army, too million strong, is bearing down on the southern gate! Chaos:East, west, south, southeast, southwest... Defend each gate with your lives! Do not let them set foot in this city!
All: Yes sir.
The crew had white Covering on.
Me 2: Hey, look there the rebel army is coming into view!  There so fabulously many of them! The princess of quite a nincompoop to try to stop them. But then, is the nincompoop really coming? Or isn't she coming?  It's so vague!
Merry C: Hey, hey, hay! Are we sure about this? Yep Princess and the pirates are really coming, right? The rebel army is going to get here first at this rate!  Don't they want to stop them from crying out loud?
Miss DF: There is a likely chance that they won't make it in time.
Merry C:Hey... They. ..
Miss DF: after all, why did lose a good deal of time at Rainbase?
Merry C: They did come.
Mr 2: Well, supporting that's the rebellion start first, what are we supposed to deux?
Kinda DF: we don't have to deix anything, do we? Once the war starts, not even the princess will be able to do anything about it.
Mr 1: We just need to get rid of whoever were told to get rid of. Can't you even determine that's much for yourself?
Mr 2: it sounds like you're just dying for a taste of my knepo!
Miss DF: Knock it off you two.
Merry C: Ah, my back! Ma's back is aching! Mr 4 massage it for me!
Mr groans
They all looked.
Merry C: What why don't you tell us sooner, you dim-witted Daruma doll. She pushed him out of the way to see.
Miss DF: Ducks? What do you mean, Miss Merry Christmas?
Merry C: Their number has increased, hasn't it? There are seven of them. There were five of them from the list, not including Bandana Scarf, right?
Miss DF: you're wrong, Miss Merry Christmas. Disney you linear to what the boss said? There is that Mr. Prince guy.  He said there was more than one of them, so if you add two, the number matches.
Mr 1: No matter how many more there are, our only target is Vivi.  What are you anxious about?
Merry C: Mr 1. You said that Vivi is the only one we have to get rid of. Well then....you guys can guess which one is Vivi!
Mr 2: They're all wearing the same cloaks!
Miss DF: what's more, those birds are the fastest in all of Alabasta, supersonic duck
Mr 2: Why, those rotten. How do we tell which one is Vivi like this?
It's too vague, you know!
Merry C: Let them have it Mr 4!
Mr 4 shot exploding Baseballs at them.
Zoro: Stay away from it!
Mr 2: They dodged it! These birds are fast, huh!?
Merry C two of them broke off south! They Splitting up! They're planning to go to the south gate! That's directly to the rebel Army. Which means that one of them is Vivi? Let us handle these two! Let's go, Mr, 4!
Usopp: Special Attack: Fire Star!;
Mr 1 stopped the attack with his hand.
Mr 2: Mr 1, those two are breaking off the way! That could be Vivi,!
Moss DF: they're planning to go in through the east gate.
Mr 1: Why, those...! After them!
There was one going after Mr 2.
Voice: Okay, we're going to the southwest gate!
Miss DF: they can try for three of the Alubarna's five gates from the west.  They're going to split up and come in that way, huh?  Then we'll do the same! We'll wipe them out inside!
Mr 2: You not getting away!
Two ducks were coming from the stars.
Man: Hey, so mine coming up! Is it the enemy?
Man 2: No wait! They're the supersonic duck squadron! Let them in!
The duck stopped.
Sanji: Girl's voice. Thanks for following us all the way here.
Mr 2: What?
Nami: You guys have good instincts! That's right, I'm Princess Vivi!
Zoro: What are you taking---? Girl's voice. Talking about? On the real Vivi.
Mr 1 and Miss DF was with them
Usopp: I wonder if this is far enough?
Mr 4 and Miss Merry C were them
It's amusing how we you folks have fallen for this
Sanji: Now let's show you we really are. They all took off their cloaks
All: Too bad, you guessed wrong!
All: What
Two ducks were left in the sand
Vi: Thank you, everyone.
Luffy: Vivi we have to hurry. The rebel army is already just starting over there.
Vi: Right. Let's go, Karoo!
Crocodile: Viiv and Koza must not be allowed to meet, no matter what.
Mr 2: A camel? And I know you from earlier!
Usopp: Sorry!
Nami: Go on, Zoro! Let them have it!
Zoro: You keep quiet!
Mr 1: They got it.
Nmai: How much was that debt, again? And I can tell Luffy all about what you between you and Stalla.
Miss DF: quite the farce, huh?
Zoro: You've already forgiven then
Sanji: There not going to be a rebellion now.
Viiv and Luffy we're on the ducks running
Vi: I'll stop then, at any cost! If I don't stop them now, then this will all be for nothing.
Luffy: we got this Vivi.
Man: Securectgoese cannonballs! I don't want them rolling away! Artillerymen, maintain your posts! Keep your cannon banks under tight control
Man 2: The ground is really rumbling huh?
Chaka: The enemy is a farce of two million angry men. Even the earth shakes a little before them. Do not shrink back
Vivi and Luffy we're in place.
Vivi: It's okay Karoo, Luffy. You two don't have to be here.
Karoo shakes his head no.
Luffy: No
Vivi: You could be trampled on.
The rebel army was coming fast
Vi: Please, leader, listen to what I have to say.
Koza: Everyone, stay tougher! Change through at the southern gates! We'll knock out all the others on the inside!  Make ready your resolve!
Vivi and Luffy had their Aram out
Vi: Stop Rebel Army! This fight is a set-up!
Luffy: It's pointless.
They kept coming
Vi: Please! Listen to me! Rebel army! Stop!
There was an explosion blocking his view.
Koza: Hey, did you see two people there just now?
Man people? This is no time for nonsense!
Koza: Never mind that they're already shooting at us!
Vi: What was that for? There's no visibility now!
They looked u
Luffy: What kind of dumb move was that, royal army?
Chaka: You idiot! I haven't given the order to fire yet! Don't act on your own!
Man: Terribly sorry about that! My hand slipped and it just happened. He was part of the Baroque works there was a tato.
Vi: No, everyone! stop! Leader.
They were all screaming
Koza heard the voice.
Man: What's the matter, koza?
Koza: It's nothing.  Was it my imagination
The two were screaming
Koza past the two
Vi: Leader!
They saw him go past them
Koza' Remember, this is our final battle!
Vi: Wait listen to me!
Luffy: Isten to us. Stop all of this!
They feel because of the hires a
They look to see they are about to be stepped on
Two ducks came to save then
Man: Here they come. Prepare to fire!
They shot the cannons
Man: Bring down Alubarna!
The army was going up the stairs. Fighting their way through.
Luffy and Vivi are under their ducks.
Vi: Karoo! You shielded me
Luffy: Duck you saved me.
Vi: I'm so sorry... We've done so much... But the rebellion has started..m I'm so sorry... But still, I will stop it! No matter how many times I've brushed aside, I can't let something like this make all we've done be for nothing... That's something I learned abroad the ship...! Not knowing when to quit!
Luffy: Good!.
They saw a horse
It was Usopp.
So this is where you guys are!
Both: Usopp.
Usopp:: We can still make it in time! Hurry up you two hop on!
Luffy: Right! Hold on, These ducks.
Usopp: That bird has had it! We have to hurry! The rebellion will only get worse! Hurry!
Vi: That...bird...?
Usopp: Let's go, Karoo!
Usopp: What's the matter? Hurry you two! This way!
Vi: Usopp-san, prove yourself.
Usopp: Oh, you doubt who I am? He showed his arm. See? He showed them the bandages
Luffy: Mind It's not him!
Sanji: Usopp! Hey, usppp! Lashes, wake up!
Usopp: Oh, Sanji. Good morning. Ah, how did our fight turn out? The part of the mission where we lured them away was successful.
Sanji: And then...
Usopp:I was over into seconds one second each..
Sanji: Couldnt you hold out a little longer
Usopp: But Sanji, what are you doing here?
Sanji: Your ducks came to get some help for you! In any case... You let Mr. 2 get away, didn't you?
Usopp: Yes.
Zoro: Listen up. That degenerate's transformation are perfect.  There is no telling what he might pose as one of us, and attempt Vivi's life. If you feel that any of us is acting the least bit suspicious. Take off this wrapping, and show each other your marks if they can't do that, they're a fake.
Sanji: Whoa, having a two-seater plan is unchatcteritcally smart of you. So does that mean you're not that degenerate already?
Zoro: I'll cut you down!
Usopp: Ah, that's Zoro.
Stella: Oh please I don't want my two boys fighting. We have to work together
Sanji: Anything for youStellaa-sama
Zoro: Whatever. He looked away with a hit of red
Vi: You...are not Usopp-san!
Uospp: Oh, dear... I wonder what gave me away. I thought I was perfect. We got a report from Zero-chan that you all had the same wrapped up on you.
Sanji: This is bad! Vivi-chand is in danger!

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