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June 16, 2023

Mingi felt a slight movement next to him and opened his eyes. Yunho still had his eyes closed. His breathing was even. Mingi breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the huge window. Mingi had been awake for a long time, but he didn't want to wake Yunho. He somehow had a feeling that Yunho needed this sleep.

Mingi had stayed awake for most of the night. Yunho kept waking him up. And instead of being tired, Mingi felt more awake than ever. He watched as raindrops ran down the huge windows. Although the sun had risen hours ago, it was relatively dark outside and thick clouds hung in the sky. Mingi slowly closed his eyes and fell into a half-sleep until he heard Yunho twitch again. He slowly turned over and began to stroke Yunho's back, but he didn't calm down.

Out of pure intuition, he slid closer to Yunho and hugged him from behind. While Yunho slowly calmed down again, Mingi wondered what had happened to make him have such bad dreams. It wasn't the first time they had slept together in the same bed, but he had never noticed it before.
Mingi's arm moved gently around Yunho and Mingi slowly closed his eyes again.

He dozed off until a loud knock pierced the silence. Mingi looked up in confusion and Yunho seemed to move too. "Yunho, are you there?" came a voice from outside. When Yunho slowly opened his eyes and his gaze met Mingi's, Mingi quickly pulled his arm back and slipped away from Yunho. He could clearly see the confusion in Yunho's gaze as he rolled out of bed and walked to the door. Mingi lay still and swallowed.

"Have you been asleep until now?" the voice at the door asked with amusement. Mingi was sure it was San. "Come on, Hongjoong wants to talk about something before he leaves with Seonghwa." Yunho turned to his bed and his eyes met Mingi's. Mingi didn't know why, but his heart skipped a beat. "I'm coming," Yunho said before turning around again and disappearing. Mingi was left behind, already missing this feeling. This feeling that he still couldn't place.


Silence fell and Mingi changed his clothes and sat on the couch opposite the large bed. He was leafing through a magazine, but couldn't manage to concentrate on anything.

There was a knock and Mingi jumped up happily. His smile was even wider when he recognized Yeosang's figure entering the room and placing food in front of him. Less than a minute later, they were both sitting on the couch.

"Didn't Hongjoong want to talk to you?" Mingi asked in surprise. Yeosang smiled. "I rarely attend their meetings." Mingi nodded thoughtfully. He wanted to tell Yeosang that he found it strange that he was excluded like that, but Yeosang spoke first.
"I noticed, by the way, that I told you all about us, but you didn't tell me anything about yourself or your friends." Mingi couldn't help but smile. Yeosang really was the purest soul on this planet.

"Mmh what do you want to know?" Yeosang grinned. "Everything." Mingi slumped against the back of the couch. He didn't find it difficult to talk about his friends. "Well, my best friend since I was a kid is Wooyoung. I met him in Seoul and our parents became friends. Wooyoung was the only person I always felt comfortable with. I can't really describe what he's like, but when you meet him, it's like he casts a spell on you. He is always helpful and would never intentionally hurt anyone.

Then in high school we met Jongho. He seemed a bit cold at first, but he was just shy. After we sort of took him in, we discovered that he was the funniest person we had ever met. He was a perfect match for Wooyoung and me because he was the only one who managed to keep us both under control. Even though he's younger, he always protects us and yes, I really love him."

Mingi didn't realize how his eyes filled with tears as he said these words. But he didn't want to stop talking about them either. He missed them so much. "After high school, we moved here together from Seoul to study. I was always afraid to leave home, but the two of them helped me." Yeosang nodded with a smile and his hand moved to Mingi's. Mingi smiled sadly.

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