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usually, chris put his entire effort into lacrosse. he didn't care much about class, but he loved sport - it always made him feel better. recently though, it seemed that nothing could make him feel better. he had even been skipping practice, but then the coach said if he missed another, he'd be off the team, and chris really didn't want that.

but turning up didn't mean he had to participate.

instead, he stayed near the net where matt was goalie. his brother told him to fuck off, join in and cheer up, but chris didn't really listen much to matt's dismay. he was actually trying to concentrate on saving goals, and that was proving difficult when he had his brother whining in his ear.

makayla had turned up to practice today and, whilst he was trying to avoid her, chris couldn't help but look at her. she was so fucking hot when she wore her lacrosse uniform, her hair always styled and her lipgloss glistening in the sun. 

she hadn't even looked in his direction, purposely avoiding him and only making conversation with matt. it didn't matter to her because she loved lacrosse, and she wasn't going to let chris distract her from it. she took the ball and threw it directly into the other goal, her team cheering.

''yes, makayla!'' the coach yelled. ''do it exactly like that!''

''i used to say that to her.'' chris muttered.

matt groaned. ''you're fucking disgusting, man. keep your sex life to yourself.''

''if i can't share my feelings with my brother, who can i share with?''

''our other brother...not me.'' 

''where is nick? i haven't seen him in ages.''

''because he's been with ryan.''

chris scoffed. ''you realise you're the only sturniolo that's not getting some?''

''oh my-'' matt rolled his eyes. ''why are you even near me?! go and play!''

''i can't talk to you?! wow, matt, you're fucking nasty.''

''talk? you're just lying!''

''lying about what?''

''you said i'm the one not getting some when actually, that's you, kid.''

''you don't know-''

''nobody has been to our place in a week. don't try it.''

chris rolled his eyes. ''fine, tough guy. i haven't got any in a week but you've been way longer than that, so i still win.''

matt tried to resist but he couldn't help it. ''you do realise ruby is my girlfriend? i was with her yesterday.''

 the brunette boys mouth fell open. ''ruby is your girlfriend? why would you do this to me?''

''shut up, chris.''

''wow, you really are tough.'' he said sarcastically.

''stop focusing on me and ruby and start focusing on fixing things with makayla.''

''makayla?'' he echoed. ''i haven't even thought about her since it happened so why would i want to fix it?''

''you brought up her name, like, two minutes ago.'' matt replied blankly.

chris paused for a moment, trying to come up with some sort of lie, but nothing was coming to mind and he sighed. truthfully, he had been completely miserable without makayla. he thought he would just miss the sex, but it was actually way more than that.

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now