Friendship Potion Gone Wrong.

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Twilight Sparkle. - A pony with a unfeedable crave for friendship and pure attention.

She has to be the best. She has to be liked. She needs validation.


A cloudy day took over Equestria, enough to cover the skys but not exactly make it rain. - The perfect weather to foreshadow the cloudy days ahead of society. 

Inside Twilight Sparkle's home was the impending sense of doom beginning to develop in Spike's stomach, maybe he was just overthinking as he watched Twilight develop a new "friendship potion" as she called it. This one was different. - It felt dangerous, it was injected into her. To make her more well-liked by everyone, to shift herself to suit every individual's likings.

He watched as she injected it, that impending sense of doom starting to make him feel nauseous.

"Twilight, are you okay..?" He spoke softly, avoiding her and watching from a distance as she stared into space after injecting the large needle into her bloodstream.

"Spike.. I just feel.. great.." She began to wobble. "I feel like this is a new discover.." She wobbled towards him, her pupils now large and covering her eye. ''I.. I think..''


Twilight collapsed, hitting her head just hard enough to create a cut that spills out a bit of blood.

"Twilight!" He called out, to no avail.

He got closer to her unconscious body, getting on his knees to shake her head in a failed attempt to awake her.

It didn't work.

"Twilight!" He called out again, this time her eyes opened. But.. no.. 

That wasn't Twilight Sparkle, not the Twilight we've grown to known.

No, now her eyes were blood red, the small veins you might see on someone who's a bit tired or has some allergies had overtaken her eyes, her pupils large with a burst blood clot, her mouth beginning to spew out blood rapidly, her teeth stained red so quickly.

"Twilight! Are you okay?!".

There was no response, only a savage grunt, her scent had changed, her breath smelt like a rotting body, her hair stained red from the blood from both her head and mouth.

''I.. Twilight..-''

A large yell came out of what was once Twilight Sparkle, animalistic un-natural grunts and yells echoed as she got up, her mouth both foaming and filled with blood, her horn starting to chip off so quickly, like she was a rotting dead body.

''TWILIGHT!'' He yelled out, this was that impending sense of doom.

She launched at Spike, tearing him apart relentlessly, leaving behind nothing but his blood staining the room.


''Applebloom! What on earth are you doing?!'' Applejack yelled out to her.

''Sorry Applejack! I was just trying to feed that rabbit!"

''Don't touch those, some of those have diseases, go back inside.'' She demanded to Applebloom, following her back in.

As she walked towards the door, she could hear something.

Something so distant, something so far away.

''You hear that, Applebloom?'' She asked.

They both sat in silence right outside the door, squinting their eyes just enough to focus on what that sound was. It sounded like it was coming from the direction of the main village of Equestria.

Were those.. screams..?

''Applebloom..'' Applejack's eyes widened as she realised what those sounds were. ''Get inside.''.

Screams were uncommon for Equestria, so when they were heard in such a large quantity, it mustn't be good.


"What is that..?" Pinkie-Pie went to the window of her bakery, hearing these screams from outside the building towards the centre of the village.

She squinted her eyes, trying to get a look. There were people running, and people ..biting..?

''What.." She muttered.

She looked more, she could see a familiar face but..

''Is that Twilight..?'' She muttered to herself.

Twilight Sparkle, or who once was Twilight Sparkle was now in the village centre, she looked more different now.

Her hooves were damaged and bruised, stained with blood underneath, - it wasn't her own blood. Her purple hair had come out in some spots as chunks, the rest tainted red. Her horn half-fallen off and chipped, her face covered in blood, Spike's blood. Her eyes dark and red. And an open wound, but it didn't seem like she was injured. It was almost like.. she was rotting..? Her mouth.. it was... smiling? In such a large and un-natural manner...

Pinkie-Pie screamed at the sight, running outside to see what was happening.

''Twilight! Twilight! Are you oka-'' 

Pinkie-Pie's pleads were to no avail as Twilight pounced on her, biting her twice, once in her hip and once on her shoulder, someone pulled Twilight off.

That person gave Pinkie-Pie an escape to run, she ran to the bakery as fast as her injured body could carry her, her infected body. Locking it behind her as she could hear the screams and pleads of the pony who saved her.

''Oh.. Oh..'' She gasped as she felt a surge of pain go through her body. ''Why.. Why would Twilight do this..?" She felt tears go down her cheek as she sat against the locked door, the screams filling her ears. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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