The truth..

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Once upon a time, in deep, dark, intertwining woods, there was a girl with a bloody red cape, brunette hair, and bright green eyes. She was called Little Red.

"Little Red," yells her mother, "Come get the basket that I filled for you to take to grandmother's house."

"Yes, Momma," responds Little Red running down the stairs into the kitchen while tying her cape. She grabs the basket from her mother's hands, unknowingly grabbing a knife off the counter, and slipping it into the basket with a small jar when her mother wasn't looking.

"Don't forget, not to talk to strangers and not to drift off of the path to your grandmother's house!" Her mother yells as a reminder as Little Red runs out the door.

Little Red happily skips down the path until she runs into a man selling baked goods on the side of the path.

"Good morning little girl, would you like to buy some baked goods?" The man asked, trying to tempted her with the goods.

"I'm sorry sir, I have to go to my grandmother's house to be eaten by the wolf." Little Red responded with a giggle.

"What do you mean by 'eaten by the wolf' ma'am?" The Baker asked, confused.

"Oh, no I'm bringing this basket to my grandmother. Why do you ask about a wolf?" Little Red gestures to the basket that she is holding.

"Oh, I must have heard wrong, you know old men and their hearing. Well, have a good day now." The baker responds shrugging off what he thought he heard.

Little Red giggles and continues on the path to her grandmother's house. By this time, she started to enter the darkest part of the woods when she stopped by a friendly woodcutter.

"Good morning miss. May I ask you why are you in the darkest part of the woods, don't you know that wolves live out here?" The woodcutter asked.

"Why should I be scared of wolves, isn't there other things that we should worry about when I'm on my way to grandmothers house?"

"That is true, now hurry on your way, I don't want to keep your grandmother waiting." He said, waving her along.

Little Red merrily continued on her way to her grandmother's house. She didn't find anyone in the wood except a bunny that half scared her to death. She started to reach the end of the woods, so everything began to brighten up and her grandmother's house was in sight. Little Red ran up to the house, knocked on the door, and upon hearing her sweet, old grandmother say come in, she entered. Her grandmother was in her bed knitting away; she looked just as pale as ever.

"So, what goodies have you brought for me this time for me, Little Red?" Her grandmother asked, eyeing the basket in her hands.

"Oh, we have garlic bread, blueberry muffins, raspberry jam, and snickerdoodle cookies. Would you like me to get you something now?" Little Red asked.

"Oh, such a sweet granddaughter I have. Could you get me some tea and I'll take a snickerdoodle cookie, sweetie." Her Grandmother responded with joy.

Little Red walked into the kitchen to get the pot of water ready for the tea. She set the basket on the counter. While waiting for the water to heat up, she went to the cabinet, got the tea tray out, and set it on the counter. Little Red took everything out of the basket and laid it out on the counter. She then took a few cookies, putting them on the plate, and setting the tea leaves into the teacup, while unknowingly grabbing the jar and sprinkling some of its contents into the cup. She took the tea pot with the boiling water in it and set it on the tray with everything else. Lastly, she poured water in the the cup and picked up the tray to bring to her grandmother

"Thank you sweetie, you know how I'm getting into older years. Now let me have a look at you." Her grandmother says, while Little Red hands her grandmother her cup of tea.

"Why, what big ears you have."

"Better to hear you with Grandmother." She says, while her grandmother took a sip of tea.

"Why, what pretty, big green eyes you have." She says, while taking another big sip of tea.

"Better to see you with Grandmother."

"Why, what dainty, little hand you have, my dear."

"Better to poison you with, Grandmother." Little Red grins and giggles unlike herself.

"Why you little woo-woo-wolf!" Her grandmother screamed her last dying breath.

"Good night, Grandmother." Little Red said, back in her regular demeanor and self as she walked out of the house. Nobody really realized it was Little Red's other personality (the so called wolf) who did this; but as rumors got passed, faded, and somehow made into fairy tales by passing strangers on a long journey willing to listen to a good legend that happened a long time ago, to this day we have the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The sweet little girl who was deceived by a dastardly wolf, it couldn't be farther from the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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