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Taylor grabbed gloves from her tray and put them on before picking up 2 tools that were on it.

"So I'm going to quickly explain what to expect before we get started, these are my mirror and explorer, my mirror will let me get a better look at your teeth my explorer will help me search for sugar bugs, us already knowing you have sugar bugs in one of your teeth this'll help assure you don't have any more" Taylor said softly before putting the two tools down

"H how will you get the sugar bugs out" I ask

"Let's take it one step at a time buddy ok, I'm just going to lay the chair back and take a quick look first" she said softly before laying it back so that I was laying down

She grabbed a mask putting it on and putting on a new pair of gloves before picking up her mirror and explorer again

"We're going to take this nice and slow so whenever your ready you can go ahead and open your mouth for me and all I'm going to do is look and you'll just feel my explorer tap on your teeth alright" she said trying not to scare me

I nervously nodded and opened my mouth for her and she started checking my teeth

"Good job buddy you're doing so good" she said as she tapped through my teeth

She got to the last tooth and took her explorer out grabbing a q-tip and sticking it in my mouth letting me close it

"Alright so it is just the one cavity, I have put numbing gel in your mouth that's going to help so you don't feel anything" Taylor said softly

I hesitantly nodded she she picked up a little spinning thing that made a lot of noise

"This is what I'm going to use to take out those sugar bugs from your teeth" she said encouragingly

"Is that the drill" I ask confusingly as it was a lot smaller then my friend at soccer had previously described

"Yes it is, it's tiny as you can see and we will numb you before we use this just to assure you fully won't feel any pain it'll just be a bit uncomfortable" Taylor said

"How do you numb me" I ask nervously

"We're going to give you a tiny pinch with a needle and give you some freezing medicine" she said sympathetically as Selena came and sat on the stool beside me.

I looked at her with a nervous look and she pulled down her mask and gave me an encouraging smile

"Austin buddy I'm not going to hurt you ok, I'll be very gentle, Selena will hold your hands if you need to you can squeeze them as tight as you'd like" she said

"Ok" I reply nervously as she pulled her mask back up and Selena took my hands into her own

I was not looking forward to this whatsoever

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