The Birth

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Twins mom- Dinah
Twins dad-Jim

Dinah's P.O.V.

Hey I'm Dinah ,I'm 22 and I just got married to the most wonderful man in the world. In every sweet fairytale there's always something there to make it not so perfect. My husband's white and I'm black , his parents didn't like the idea of us being together and neither did mine. We met when we were only sixteen and when my parents found out they kicked me out with only $3000 ,his parents later did the same, but now we are successful he is a lawyer and I am a real estate agent .WAIT I forgot to mention I'm 9 months pregnant and we don't know the genders. I'm currently sitting at home watching Maury and Jim's working.. WAIT Hol' up ...oww...I'm my water just broke.... Oww. I grabbed my phone and called my husband.

Phone Convo


Dinah- I'm..ow.. Going.. Into.. Labor.. Ahh

Jim- Babe just breathe I'm calling for an ambulance now I'll meet you at the hospital

Ends Call

I heard sirens and knocking at my door I couldn't open it so they kicked it down "ma'am are you okay, what's your name ,how far along are you" it was all happening to fast I don't remember nothing after that cause I blacked out.

Jim's POV

Hey I'm Jim, I'm 22 years old and well Dinah pretty much introduced us both. When I got the call I told my boss the situation and he made me stay at work for the rest of time I was supposed to be there he's an asshole if you ask me so nine times out of ten I missed the birth of the babies so I still don't know the gender . When my shift was over I immediately rushed to the hospital where I learned that my wife had passed out and had to have a c-section and the twins still didn't have names.The doctor showed me the twins and handed me two birth certificates so that I could sign my name and the twins names. I am the father of two beautiful baby girls Marina T'nia Riggs 7lbs.2oz and Mariah T'mia Riggs 7lbs.5oz .

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