Part 1

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58 years later....

       It was a warm sunny Sunday afternoon as David strolled along the walkway by the river. It had been a stressful time at his job over the last few days and this was his first day off for two weeks. He worked in a scientific research facility and the project he was currently assigned to was at a critical stage. 'Cutting edge research' it was referred to, 'tomorrow's science today'. It was interesting work and it paid well, but the hours were long, and on many occasions he did not finish until after nine o'clock at night.

He felt tired and a little depressed. He had almost no time for a social life or a girlfriend. At twenty six he had a few friends, but had not seen any of them for weeks thanks to the job. He could have been visiting some of them right now, but he felt like having some time alone. The work was continuing at the lab, but his supervisor had begrudgingly allowed David a whole day off. He was due back at work at eight o'clock the next morning.

He walked onto a nearby street and into a small cafe. Ordering a latte he sat by a window which looked out over the street. He watched the people walk by as he sipped the drink trying to decide how to fill in the rest of the afternoon. It was a busy afternoon in the city, there were many people walking past the window and the traffic on the street was almost continuous. A number of pretty girls caught his eye as they passed. It had been a long time since his last date and it reminded him of his desire for female company. 

The radio in the cafe was playing "Girls Just Want to have Fun" when David's attention was taken by a blonde girl walking slowly along the footpath in the direction of the cafe. She was wearing sunglasses so he could not see her eyes, but she appeared to glance into the cafe as she passed the window. She paused at the door, then entered and stepped up the counter ordering a coffee to go. She had her back to David as she waited for her coffee and he turned around to have a better look at her. She was a beauty. Tall with blonde hair below her shoulders, slim build like a model, and wearing a sleeveless white top and a knee length blue skirt.

David decided timing was the thing. He quickly finished his coffee and went the counter to order another, hoping for a chance to engage in conversation with this delightful creature. He stood next to her and ordered, then turned to say hello, but at that moment the song "Islands in the Stream" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton started playing. Before he could open his mouth she looked at him and said "Oh I love this song. Do you like it?" Before he could answer she called to the shop assistant saying, "Can you please turn the radio up?"

As the radio was turned up and she sang along with the song, David quickly scanned her fingers for an engagement or wedding ring. Surely such a beautiful woman must be taken by some lucky man, rings. "Yes it's a great song," he said. "One of my favourites, too." It's now or never he thought as he added "I'm David."

"Hi David" she said, not offering her own name. "Isn't the weather beautiful? I always try to have a walk by the river on Sunday afternoons. How about you?"

"Yes, me too, whenever I can," David replied.

The shop assistant handed the girl her coffee. "I must get going," she said and walked towards the door.

"Maybe I'll see you again next Sunday," David called hopefully.

"Maybe you will," she replied with a smile. "See you." And she was gone.

David watched her go. I sure hope I do see you again next Sunday he thought.

He took his coffee with him back out into the sunshine and found a seat. As he sipped the drink he thought about the blonde girl. If he could meet her again could he have a chance with her? He glanced up and there she was again on the other side of the street walking away from him. He fought the urge to follow her. No, he would come back next Sunday to the same place. She said she walked every Sunday afternoon. A bus rolled slowly by blocking his vision momentarily. When it had passed she had disappeared. He stood up and carefully scanned the other side of the street, but she was gone. Next Sunday he thought.

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