Clashing Waves

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   "And that's when I learned prostitution wasn't that bad," laughed Ricardo.

      The whole group of friends erupted into laughter.

Gorge looked up at Ricardo, smiling ear to ear, and laid his hand across his thigh.
      "You picked a good career," he boasted, "I probably wouldn't of ever had a chance if you didn't."

      "You say that like I use you, sweety." The gentleman smiled back with a sassy grin.

      "Well it wasn't for his riches, that's for sure." Cathy scoffed sarcastically.

      Gorge rolled his eyes, playing along.
The atmosphere in the room continued to rise as the talking went on. It was just a great night. Great stories, such a care-free afternoon to forget about the stress of the week before. The band hadn't had such good luck with their weekend performance.They were cut short due to a few complains about a certain member. Everyone found the accusations unfair, but they couldn't argue with the man in charge. All they did was leave the club short-handed and disappointed.

      They spent a few days after that trying to forget it. They partied and drank like their lives depended on it. Ricardo, Mansley, and Gorge visited every other day, bringing more alcohol and more stories to distract.
The matter was never brought up in the room, they went on like it had never happened. After all, this was the best they could do. They couldn't stand up for themself and give their opinion. It's rare for others to accept an opinion different from their own where they were. No one showed sympathy or concern about how you were existing. If you had personal reasonings to desire something, you keep it to yourself.

The band was one of the most popular around, but they were too insubstantial to defend themselves. If they were to, they were just asking for the consequences. Problems were best kept to someone's own mind. Though it passed everyone by, a certain someone couldn't seem to forget it all.

     "I can't believe you call me some old cougar, Cathy. You're one to talk!" Ricardo exclaimed with a chuckle, giving Collin a wink so he would know it wasn't a serious remark.

      She shook her head and replied, "It's my grind, sweetie. Gotta make cash for us all somehow."

      Collin jumped in, "That's not even true, you don't have to do any of that mess. You're lucky I let you." He threw his arm around her and held her close in a protecting manner.

      "It's not a bother," she proved. "Besides, we can't just rely on the band. What if we don't get hired for a few gigs? We need a way to make up for the loss. It's alright, bab-"

      "Well how many guys did you have to shag to make up for my dumb-ass? You must be tired." Their concealed friend interrupted.

      The room fell cold, everyone either directing their gaze to the degrading friend or away to avoid tension.

      "Hey, you have NO place say that shit to her!" Collin raged, not believing how arrogant the comment was.

      "Sorry, I was just curious." The monotone friend sipped his drink, "But she doesn't seem to have a problem when she chats about all the men she fucks that ain't you. I wouldn't be mad at me, mate."

      Ricardo choked on his drink, suprised by the comment and the drama falling out around him. Gorge patted his back, not saying a word as well as everyone else. Everyone looked their way and then back at their subject. Collin sat there with his mouth gaping. You could see the flame trailing its way down the fuse already.

       "Well," the snarky friend spoke up again, "I'm waiting for my condolences, get it over with so i can get the hell outta here and be over with it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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