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I pull away after a few seconds, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I let out a small chuckle.

"No no, don't apologise." Harry interrupted softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement and a hint of mischief. "I liked that. I've always wanted to kiss you, y/n." He leaned in again, his lips finding hers in another kiss. When he pulls away I smile and lean back on the car seat.

"Well then," Harry started also leaning back on the seat, "I guess we're officially together, huh?" He looked at me grinning like an idiot, it was cute,

"I guess we are." I say.

"I've been planning things for us." Harry started the car engine.

"What things may I ask?" I turn to look at him again.

"Oh, you know... a romantic dinner, maybe a walk on the beach, some quality time just the two of us.." He trailed off, his gaze wandering obviously down to my lips. "And lots of kissing, of course."

I can't help but smile at his words, "It all sounds amazing, but.."

"But what, love?" He asked softly, making eye contact with me. "Don't you want to spend time with me?" He teased, nudging me playfully.

"Of course I do! But don't you performers have like a policy? No dating or something?" I and Harry breaks eye contact.

"Oh management?" He began after a while, "don't worry about them, they're not going to come between us." Harry leaned in closer, his breath warm against my neck. "You're worth more than this whole stupid career."

I couldn't help but blush a little. I was about to say something when my phone started ringing, It was Louis so i answered it, "Where are you guys?! Tell Harry he is needed back at the party." He said over the phone.

"Ok Louis, we are on our way." I hang up, "you are needed back at the party apparently."

"They're lucky I'm so damn polite," Harry muttered under his breath, shaking his head. "Alright let's get going then." He starts the car engine and drives towards the event.

We arrive at the door and Harry squeezes my hand, "Before we go in, can I ask you something?" I say.

"Yeah what's wrong?" He replied smiling back at me.

"I think it's best we should keep our relationship on the down low? You know because I don't want anything to happen to you with management or whatever."

"Of course." Harry agreed, nodding his head seriously. "I was thinking the same thing actually. We'll keep this our little secret." He leaned in close, his voice suddenly a bit serious. "No one is going to hurt you while I'm around, I promise you that."

I smile again and he leads me in to the party. Louis was standing near the entrance as if he has been waiting for us for ages.

"Where have you two been?!" Louis said but before I could answer he spoke again, "doesn't matter, we are in the middle of a celebration and you just leave us?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bar, handing me a drink.

"Oh Louis, Always the life of the party." Harry chided lightly, shaking his head and smiling as he also got a drink from the bar. We go back to the VIP section of the club and laugh the whole night. Liam kept making these jokes and we laughed at how unfunny they were. Louis just kept on giving shots of whiskey to everyone on the table. Niall was the only one avoiding the alcohol. Zayn got wasted quicker than the rest of us. Harry sat next to me on the black leather sofa and we drank and laughed until I personally was pretty drunk.

"You're absolutely beautiful when you laugh." Harry whispered in my ear, making me slightly blush. He held me closer to him.

"Here." I hand him another cocktail from the table.

"Thank you, darling." Harry said, taking the drink from my hand. We continued to chat and laugh with our friends for most of the night until the party was almost over.

Feeling the energy in the room start to wane, Harry noticed me getting a bit too wasted. "You know, love," he leaned in close to my ear again, "we could always sneak off to my place for some privacy?"

"I think that would be best." I reply with a faint smile.

With a grin, Harry excused himself from the group, taking my hand and leading me out of the party. We made our way up to his hotel room, it was a silent journey there. Once inside, he closed the door behind him and turned to face me.

"So what do you want to-" his lips were on mine before I finished my sentence.

Harry's lips met mine passionately, his hands gently cradling my face as he deepened the kiss. So many things were going on in my head at the same time. I melted into Harry's touch, returning his kiss with equal fervor. I could feel his heart racing against mine, a thrill that sent shivers down my spine.

He breaks away, smiles at me, then pulls me in again. This time his hands were on my waist pulling me closer. We broke away once more startled by a sudden ringing of Harrys phone.

Harry groaned, his face flushed with embarrassment as he fumbled to answer the call. "Hello?" He mumbled into the phone, trying not to sound too breathless. I watch him talk on the phone.

"Yeah, I'm aware of the meeting time." he said into the phone, his eyes making contact with me smiling, "ok thanks." He put down the phone.

"Let me guess.." I began, "another show? Meeting? Party??" I chuckled slightly as I sit on the bed.

"Yeah, you could say that," Harry replied with a grin. "But you know I'd rather be here with you." He leaned in to kiss my forehead before putting his coat on.

"Sounds important though." I get up and go to the coat hanger.

"It does, doesn't it?" Harry agreed, his fingers tracing along my jawline. "But you're more important to me, honestly." He held a gaze for a moment before leaning in to kiss me again.

I put my coat and shoes on then turn to him, "I'm just a bit worried Haz."

"Worried about what, sweetheart?" Harry asked, his voice suddenly concerned.

"Like.. I dont want you to loose this career over me. I know how strict management is when it comes to boy groups or whatever." He opens the hotel door and we both step outside.

Harry sighed softly, his voice turning from concern to understanding. "Y/n, you're my world," he said shutting the door, "But I promise you, I won't let anything happen to my career because of us. We'll find a way to balance everything out."

I smile, all he did was make me smile. "Ok then Harry, I'm gonna get going home now, have fun at your meeting tomorrow."

"Bye love, see you soon." He said as he watched me walk away from the apartment. 

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