Before the Rain

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"DUDE, YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT HAHA!" Drew clicked away on the controller in his hand as I slugged behind his pace.

"Shut up, I didn't even see him.. that's stupid, he's magic or something. I don't know.." I waited for my character to regenerate on the screen so I could continue running from the erratic monster chasing us.

"JUST SHUT UP AND FIND ME!" His player hopped across the screen crazily.

I was going to explain the situation, but I honestly don't know how I could. We're playing video games at Drew's house and he's kicking my ass. I don't even know how you could loose a game when you repeatidly revive and have no scoreboard, but I know I'm managing to be in last place. There may be a score bar, but I don't see one. Yet again, I can't see very well right now due to my huge headache and tiredness wearing me down. Drew's an idiot for thinking it was good to stay up drinking and playing video games all night long. Who even does that? We could be spending our time doing anything but this. We're wasting our life away.

"DUDE, YOU'VE BEEN ALIVE FOR A WHOLE MINUTE AND YOU HAVEN'T MOVED! MOVE YOUR ASS!" Drew snapped at me and shoved my side swiftly before focusing back to his portion of the tv.

"SCREW MY ASS, DUDE!!! THIS GAME SUCKS, AND YOU DO TOO!!!" I turned off my controller and threw myself back on the bed. Drew yelled back, mad but amused about me forfeiting the game.

"HEY, I'LL ACCEPT THE INVITATION AFTER YOU FINISHING THE GAME, YOU.. YOU QUITTER! YOU CANT EVEN FINISH A GAME!" He laughed at me for a minute, and then proceeded to play the game like nothing  happened. We sat in some-what silence for a good fifteen minutes, if you disregard him chuckling and cheering himself on. I scooted myself back again the board of his bed, trying to keep distance from him because I was still very agitated and wanted to kick his face in. Him avoiding me and continuing to have fun by himself made me more irritable, even though i knew he wasn't doing intensionally, but my mind was making me see it otherwise.

Time went on and I slowly started deteriorating on the inside. I still cant believe Drew convinced me to drink. I've only ever drank twice before, once on the 4th of July and at the grill-out at his aunt's house months ago. I didnt really want to try drinking in the first place, but everyone was insisting, so I obliged. Both of those nights I promised myself I wouldn't let myself get out of hand, but I could never stop myself once I had too many shots. The first time I got pretty drunk, but containable. I realized my state and knew I had to be careful, but I didnt let it stop me from having a good time.

That night was content, but I cant say that much for the grill-out. I mean, I knew what I was doing at the time, but everything felt more vivid than usual. A side of me I never really let out came out and everyone enjoyed it. I was being open, I was being myself. I was... happy? Really happy. TOO happy.. and carefree... and it was a good but bad thing.... who am I kidding? It was a great thing. Me and Drew became so much more closer that night, and in more ways than one. To be honest, I never really expected our first time to happen that way, but im not suprised as well? It's not like it's something I've contemplated dozens of times to myself whenever he's on my mind.. Or is it?

"HEY!" A shirt hit my face. I snapped back to reality to see Drew sitting on the end of his bed shirtless. "I'M TIRED!"

I narrowed my eyebrows, "Yeah, and I'm Brandon. Now what do you want?" He held up his hand towards me. I looked at him confused before leaning up and grabbing his hand with my own. He quickly pulled away and slapped me, which scared me but didn't hurt.

"NO, GIVE ME IT.." He whined and held his hand out again. He pointed past me to the nightstand. I nodded and grabbed a bottle of vodka he had snatched from the kitchen. I handed him the bottle, along side a shot glass we had been drinking from. He took the cap off the clear bottle and slowly poured himself another glass. I watched him, amazed over how well he was holding up after already taking four shots before this one. Well, he wasn't holding up PERFECTLY, but he was still conscious, so that's a start.. Why was I stupid enough to let him get more? Four was enough already, five is an over-kill. I've only had two shots and I was already stumbling over my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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