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ThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazy was the only thing running through Sam's mind right now, basically. Not only did Mike confront the random bald girl in the woods, but he'd brought her to his basement, as well. Now, Sam, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin were left with the random bald girl to freak out and figure what the hell was going on.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked the random bald girl. Because she was wet from the rain, Mike had given her one of the coats he was wearing earlier.

"I've got a number," Sam spoke up, standing next to and behind Mike with her arms crossed. "It's called 911."

Mike's head flicked to Sam, sending her a pointed look, before he faced the random bald girl again. He shook his head and said, "Don't listen to her."

"Where's your hair?" Dustin questioned from the other side of Mike with an awed look on his face. "Do you have cancer?"

"Did you run away?" asked Lucas.

Sam couldn't help herself from wondering, "Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"Is that blood?" Lucas questioned incredulously, and Sam shuddered at the word. He began creeping forward towards the random bald girl with his arm outstretched.

Mike slapped Lucas' arm away from the random bald girl, something Sam was grateful for because if it was blood, Sam would've been out like a light.

"Stop it!" scolded Mike. "You're freaking her out!"

"She's freaking me out!" Lucas retaliated, gesturing towards the random bald girl.

"She can probably hear you," added Sam, right in between Lucas and Mike. Her arms were still crossed, but she nodded towards the random bald girl, trying to shut Lucas up.

"Probably not," Dustin scoffed at Sam's choice of words. "I bet she's deaf!"

Sam sighed, pushing her now-dry glasses further up her nose. "Dustin, I—"

Cutting Sam off, Dustin jumped forward. He clapped his hands loudly right in front of the random bald girl's face to test his theory. In return, the random bald girl flinched back and watched Dustin wide, fearful eyes.

Dustin retracted, shrugging at his friends. "Not deaf," he concluded.

"That's enough, all right?" snapped Mike. "She's just scared and cold."

Thunder sounded and lightning flashed again as Mike finished his words. Sam, Lucas, and Dustin looked to each other to ponder his words while Mike ran away for them for a second. Now with her glasses helping her ability to see again, Sam watched Mike reach into a blue laundry basket full of clean clothes. She made eye contact with Lucas again while they did that thing where they communicated wordlessly. Dustin pointed it out once that they did it all the time, and ever since, Sam couldn't help but notice it, too. What she was getting from Lucas right now, is that he thought the random bald girl was insane and he wanted to send her back to whatever nuthouse she came from.

The Long Game,  Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now