Chapter 11: Reunion

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(A/N: HEY GUYSSSS HAPPY NEW YEAR! In this chapter, there is a brief mention of rape, both in terms of male and female. As it can happen to anyone and male rape is hardly spoken of as a taboo subject, I'll be bringing awareness to it. The male in question is a homeage to one of my friend's brother who went through it as of recent, and no, I will not be giving any names for confidentiality and privacy. Just wanted to give a quick warning! As always, stay safe and grab some popcorn!)

The teens began running up the stairs to the front doors, Barnim being the first there. He had kicked the doors open, rushing out with the others only for them all to come to a sudden halt, the others following suit.

There, separated by a barbed wire fence, was their families. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, and friends stared back at their trapped loved ones.

A man in a knight's uniform came forward, his long blond hair poking through his helmet. "Where is my apprentice, Sir Jarem? What have you fiends done to him?!"

Next to the enraged knight stood a man and three young girls. One of those girls, with turquoise and black hair in a ponytail, spoke up, "Sissy? W, where's my sissy Freida? Freid? W, we were gonna play magical friendship horses when she got out... where'd she go?"

"Oh no..." The man had his head aimed at the floor as he seemed to realize what happened.

"Well, this is a fine howdy doo!"

"Papa, look up there! It's the fox!" One of the other little girls said, pointing up.

Everyone looked up, indeed seeing the maniacal fox that had trapped those here. He was there, sitting on the barbed wire, wearing a sick grin.

"Welcome to my school, everyone! It's so sad that two of our finest have perished, but what's the use in keeping rotten meat, amiright??"

"R, rotten? W, where is my daughter?" The father asked.

"And my apprentice! Give him to me!" The knightly captain demanded.

"Well, far be it from me to keep you separated any longer than necessary! Here, take back your trash!"

People screamed as two thuds alerted them all, bodies seemingly falling from the sky. The father had his other three kids stay together as he approached the bodybags apprehensively. Peeling back the material, he sobbed, seeing his oldest daughter's burned body, holding her close.

By now, the captain was less aggressive and more cautious as he approached the other bag, his hand itching for his sword. Unzipping the body, he seemed confused before holding up the severed head of his apprentice, Jarem. His anguished cry at the boy who he viewed as a son, dead, enraged the others.

Dropping the bag, the captain rushed to the fence, raising his sword only to be blown back as it connected with the now electricified fence.

"You're stupid, you know that? NO ONE IS GETTING TO MY TOYS. MINE.  You gave them away, so don't start crying for them now."

With this, the electricity died down, giving everyone a chance to face their loved ones, including Heidi, to her grandfather and aunt.

"Pudding! Over here, pumpkin!" Wiley called over to the ginger.

"Gramps! Auntie!! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you guys!" Heidi sobbed.

"Oh baby, I should have never agreed to let you come here. Are you okay?" Analyse said.

Just as she was about to respond, Layla's furry head popped out to see what was going on.

"Oh, hello there... Layla, right?" Analyse guessed.


"Yeah, this is Layla. She's been keeping me company during this whole thing. Oh, guys, I'm way in over my head here!" Heidi cried, wiping her face.

"Oh sweetie... it'll be hard, but you're smarter and braver than you think -"


They all twisted to see Tanja yelling at an older, more alluring version of herself.

"We had a deal! You went back on your word and announced a betrothal that we promised wouldn't happen if I held my end of the deal up!"

"Oh lamb... we all know you wouldn't have been able to. You're good for one thing and one thing only, so get used to it. At least you'll be able to get class and status, and all you have to do is say yes and speak your legs. It's not that fucking hard."

"Hey fuck you! I don't care if you're her mom, the king, the prince, or anyone else! She has a right to say no!" Royce snarled, holding his tearful friend close.

"I'm her mother, her jailkeeper, her teacher... I own her, and I had to give up my life and have the stupid brat, so I should be able to reap the benefits. What's it to you?"

"You're a shit mom then. She just wanted to grow her flowers and open up a shop. You're basically signing her up to be raped so YOU can benefit from it. That's why me and Tanja got along so well, so fast... we come from the same trauma."

Everyone gasped besides Tanja, who was busy hiccupping, keeping her sobs at bay, to what Royce was basically admitting.

Royce had been...

"Wowza! I seen a lot of crap moms y'know... I seen Sam's mom, Masane’s mom, Kochi's mom, Kenta's mom, Aiyanna's mom... but you might just take the cake for what is worst mom ever! Can I get a round of applause for an accomplice for rape, guilt tripping, gaslighting, and probably physically abusive at this point, MOMMMMMM!" Shockbolt's gleeful voice interrupted them all and the other families were glaring at Tanja's birth giver.

"I'll see you Tangina, you'll pay your dues."

Seeing her mom walk away had Tanja break away, running inside with Royce following her. One by one, all of the teens were heading inside after speaking with their loved ones, leaving only Elias and Heidi out with her family.

"Well she's a right cunt ain't she?" Wiley grumbled.



"Am I wrong? No? That's what I thought. Anyways, get some rest honey, eat up, and stay on high alert, especially around that Eli boy! He probably wants to get his grit in your "

"OKAYYYYY we're leaving dad. Bye, sweetpie, stay safe."

"You too, Auntie. I love you, gramps!"

"Love ya, pudding."

Turning around, Heidi was beet red as she faced an equally red Elias. "Well, he seems fond of me."

"Haha, sorry, he's a bit protective of me as the only grandchild, especially with boys. Let's go rest since we were all on the way to do that when this happened."

"Heh, I get it. I'll walk with you and Layla there."

The two walked in silence, reeling from the night's events. Finally reaching the hallway to their rooms, they stared at each other, giving off silent good night calls before going into their respective rooms.

Going into her pajamas, Heidi watched Layla lie amongst the covers. She went into her cotton pajamas and crawled into her bed, snuggling her mismatched cat.

It'll be better tomorrow... it has to be.

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