Thank You!

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I've been meaning to write a little thank you note for a hot minute. So..


This book has been doing pretty damn well. 12k reads and 300 votes?! TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE PINCH MEEEEEEE.

And I've been thinking about doing a Q/A. I've seen others do it, and now I want to cause im a little damn copy cat. So hit me up with the questions, and I'll answer the ones I'm comfortable with and all that good stuff.

A new chapter might be posted this week. Maybe even tomorrow if this writing-block-ceasing continues. AND IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW EPISODE OMG I NEED ALASTORRRRRRR.
If you didn't know by now, Im a little obsessed...but its fineeeee im fineeeeeeee

So see yalls at the next chapterrrrr <3

The Candy Lady |||| Alastor x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now