Under the Moonlight (Life #1)

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Under the Moonlight
from: Ethan and Sophia (Beatrix)

Beatrix: Rafiki's Academy of the Central Kingdom
Ethan: Rafiki's Academy of the Central Kingdom

Author's Note: This was written as a performance task in Music, where we must choose one song from the Classical Period and write a story from it. I chose 'Moonlight Sonata' of Ludwig Van Beethoven and this was the story;

(00:15) As I hear that lonely music, memories keep on flashing back to me of a mysterious lad with emerald eyes and had always surrounded himself with a cold aura. Although he was like that, he had a kind heart.

I gaze upon the nighttime sky, realizing that stars are showering tonight. I clasps my hands together and slowly closed my eyes to listen to what my heart desires.

"You are Ethan, right?"

Ah... How can I pretend? I've known it even without thinking; My heart will always yearn for you...

"Can you talk or not?" I asked him while poking his cheeks repeatedly to get his attention, or to make him speak rather. But still he has no reply.

That quiet boy was named Ethan. He was the first friend I made in my entire life. I am a girl born in the middle class. I never experience hunger. I live in a house
surrounded by many people. Even though I received luxurious gifts from my parents, who were successful businessmen, I still felt unwanted and unloved deep inside.

Ethan and I met in the woods during our family camp out. I was exploring the surroundings when I heard rustling in the bushes near our table's dish. I carefully approached it then walked behind the bush and by surprise, I saw a boy with bruises
covering all over his body. He had no proper garments-he wore ripped clothes with stains of blood. In pity, I called for help.

The wind was freezing and that time it was dim. Only the campfire and the moon was serving as our light. My Grandfather arrived and took him in when he saw the boy all skinned and bones.

My parents disagreed, but my grandfather opposed them, his actions made me think that he had a generous heart. My mother and father had nothing to say, so they agreed with terms. And so grandfather had decided that he will take responsibility of that boy.

"Poor child," he frowned.

After few months, the boy regained his strength and had added some weight. Grandfather then, named him "Ethan."

Our friendship bloomed throughout the years. I often do the talking while he listened to every word I say. A comforting silence...

He nodded when he agreed and shook his head when he disagreed, when his opinions were being asked, he will only answer it briefly with a lot of sense packed in it.

That was his personality.

Under the shining moonlight, I saw him smiled for the first time. His lifeless expression was replaced by a serene presence. From that time he said, "We shall never be apart."

His statement made me smile widely. The widest grin and the most genuine one I've ever made in my whole life.

My heartbeat accelerated in happiness.

I can nearly jump in joy... I thought, we will be together, until...

The day he turned sixteen, several men wearing leather armors knocked on our doors. They said that they will be taking Ethan back to where he belonged.

I was bewildered.

It was then cleared when they informed us that they already confirmed and had evidences that Ethan was the third son of the King and his "home" was the palace. As
one of the sons of the King he must serve his country by battling with his life in the line, they added.

Grandfather and I refused but it was from the order of the king, the person with the highest social status...

Seems like Ethan knew it from the beginning...

I hated it.

I felt my heart raging in anger and confusion...

I felt heartache.

Will I feel solitude once again?

"He, who disobeys the king, shall be beheaded!" they shouted with a frightening face as they pull out their sword in a simultaneous manner, pointing the sharp edge close to
our faces.

I was trembling...

I had no idea what to do...

I had nothing to say...

To avoid violence, Ethan himself knelt down with his head touching the ground and begged to leave us alone.
Before I knew it, my eyes were wet in river of tears.

As he walked away with those cruel men, thoughts came in my head.

"Will he be alright?"

"What happened to our promise that night?"

"Sophia, you are dear to me..." he whispered in my ear as his hands were gently placed on my shoulders. "Remember the time I said 'We shall never be apart'?"

My head nodded as my lips curve a soft smile.

"I will keep that promise, forever..." he stated under the witness of the moon glowing beautifully as fireflies guided our hearts to the path of falling-in-love. Even though the
night was said as cold and dark, I only felt the warmth of his heart. I embraced that moment and will cherish it for life.

"Starlight, star bright, the stars I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, grant the wish I'll wish tonight; bring him back..." my trembling voice whispered along my heart bearing
all the pain. I am hoping that the wind will carry my request to the heavens above.

As I opened my eyes, I wiped the tears from my chin up to my cheeks.

I gazed upon the moon and realized that it hid itself under the clouds. The stars had disappeared as well.

It is cold.

It is dark.

And I'm all alone...

How brutal can it be?

I kept my chin up to watch to clouds vanish away. I wanted to take a glimpse of the moon.

I wanted to wish one last time...

I smiled when I noticed that the clouds started to walk away.

The moon appeared once more.
And so I whispered silently, "Dear Moon, your moonlight shall never lose a shine. Help me in another life that our story will be rewritten right..."

~~The End~~

January 14, 2024

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