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Alr this is the kinda dynamic me and margarita are (he's a year older)
me - 🍇
him - 😻

😻: *talking to someone while 🍇 is talking to someone else really loudly* "so like- 🍇 shut up. Anywa-"
🍇: "yo I ain't shutting up until you ttalk to me with respect."
😻: "*sigh* please quiet down, I'm tryna talk to someone rn."
🍇: "ily ❤️❤️❤️"

\\Next day//
🍇: "anyways like- bro stfu."
😻: "idiot I ain't shutting up till u treat me w respect."
🍇: "no stfu b4 I beat yo ass"
😻: "*sigh*"

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