✨Part Ten✨ ( More~? ) ⚠️❤️🔥

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~* 3rd person POV *~

They all was at another party in the Luxiem dorm again. The music was loud, their was alcohol and people was having fun. Fulgur was sitting with Ren, Luca and Enna in the sofa, talking and laughing. They were all drinking, but not too much.

Uki, Selen, Millie and Ike was sitting in the other side of the sofa, also talking and laughing. Uki kept talking shots down one by one. Every time they gave Uki one, he would just drink it. No questions asked, which they thought was funny. The liquid wasn't too strong, as they didn't wanna kill him of course.

Selen kept noticing that Fulgur would steal glances at Uki, and she loved seeing how it played out. Selen had already shown Uki the picture, but Uki just called it cute. "Hey Uki! Fulgur is looking at you" Selen said loudly though the music. Uki looked at her, and then over at Fulgur.

Fulgur quickly looked away, blushing a bit in embarrassment. Uki laughed, and looked back at Selen. "I guess" Uki just responded, again not giving Selen the answer she wanted. Uki was drunk and not in the best mind to think straight, so Selen wanted use the opportunity.

"Uki, how much money do I have to give you to go as kiss Fu-chan" Selen said, and laughed. The others, also drunk, started laughing. Uki looked at her with a smile, but also looked at bit dumbfounded. "I don't know, 20 bucks" Uki replied and laughed. Selen pulled a 20 dollar bill from her pocket, and gave it to Uki.

"Here! But do it on the lips" Selen said, and Uki took the money. "Sure~" Uki said, sounding drunk and flirty. The other laughed, and Mille clapped Uki on the shoulder as he stood up.

Uki walked past Selen, who was sitting on the floor. He turned around and winked at them, while they were laughing. "What was that for?" Ike asked Selen, and she laughed. "Fulgur is in love with Uki, and I need Uki to realise it so they can be together. They're so perfect" Selen said while laughing.

"I think Uki does know" Mille said, and smiled. Selen nodded, and they all looked over at Uki.

Uki walked over to the boys and Enna, and sat down next to Fu-chan. "Hey Uki" Luca said, and they all turned to him. "Hey guys~" Uki said, clearly drunk. Fulgur laughed, as he could hear it. "Are you okay? Have you gotten too much?" Fulgur asked, and leaned back in the sofa.

Uki smiled at him, and leaned back with him. "No I haven't! Maybe just a bit~" Uki said, and placed a hand on Fulgur's lap. Fulgur looked down at Uki's hand, and then at him. Uki was smiling at Fulgur, with a seductive smile on. The others didn't notice, and Fulgur turned at bit more towards Uki.

Trying make sure that the others wouldn't see Uki's hand on him. "What are you doing?" Fulgur asked, sounding confused but also a bit drunk. Uki looked at him in the eyes, and leaned in closer. "Nothing, I don't know what ya' talking about" Uki said, making his hand go a bit further op.

Fulgur knew Uki was trying to seduce him, but he couldn't give in. Uki was drunk, and clearly not in the right mind at all. Fulgur placed a hand on Uki's. "Stop" Fulgur said, and looked at Uki with a tone of seriousness. But Uki was drunk, and drunk Uki didn't understand that word.

"Why? I thought you liked me~" Uki said, and Fulgur found it hard to resist his advice. "I do, you're my friend" Fulgur said, hoping that friend-zoning him would make him stop. But it didn't.

"Then why are you resisting~?" Uki asked, and went closer to Fulgur's face. Fulgur gulped, and took a deep breath. "What do you want?" Fulgur asked, and Uki smiled at him. "I just want a kiss~" Uki said, and smiled at Fulgur. Fulgur looked at him dumbfounded, unsure what to say.

"A kiss? Uki, friends doesn't kiss" Fulgur said, looking a bit nervous and confused. "Who's to decide that~?" Uki asked, and looked at Fulgur. Getting closer to his face, and his hand moving in between Fulgur's legs. "Uki stop! One kiss, one! People are around us, remember that" Fulgur said, and looked at Uki with a serious face.

Uki nodded, and went close to Fulgur's face. Uki connect their lips, and they kissed. Selen took out her phone, and took a little video of it. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, and they both enjoyed it. Uki pulled away, and looked at Fulgur. Fulgur looked at Uki with a look of wanting, Uki knew Fulgur wanted more.

"You want more, don't ya'~?" Uki asked, smirking at Fulgur. Fulgur began to blush a bit more, unsure what to respond. "...No, no more" Fulgur said, and took Uki's hands off him. Uki smirked at Fulgur, and stood up. The others looked at them, as Uki bent down to whisper in Fulgur's ear.

"Maybe later~?" Uki whispered, and Fulgur's face turned red. Uki faced Fulgur, and Fulgur just looked away. Uki laughed, and walked over to his group again. Fulgur's eyes followed him, and Selen was smirking at him.

OH MY GOD! Fulgur thought, when he realised Selen, Ike and Mille saw everything. Fulgur knew he could just use the excuse he was drunk... but he wasn't sure it would actually work. "You okay Fulgur? What happened?" Luca asked, and laughed.

Fulgur turned to them, realising that they were sitting behind them the hole time. "Yeah! I'm okay... And uh, he just wanted to tell me something" Fulgur said, and Luca laughed. They kept talking, and Fulgur was a bit confused. Later? Fulgur thought, Uki wanted more... what the fuck..!

Uki sat down, and Selen smiled at him. "So uh, so how was the kiss?" Selen asked, with a little smirk on. Uki giggled and looked at them, Uki thought it was perfect... and already missed Fu-chan's lips. "It was good, of course" Uki said, and smiled.

"Cool, ready for more shots?" Mille asked, and handed one to Uki. "Yeah girl" Uki said, and him and Mille drank one at the same time. Uki glanced over at Fulgur, and thought for a moment... was there gonna be a later? Uki thought, and smiled.

Only if he was lucky!...


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