chapter 2

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The next day

Y/n was in her room sleeping and after a few minutes she woke up and started getting dressed and stuff and went to her office and started working and she was pretty good at project iacon but it was a bit hard so she couldn't finish it in one day she she only did one part and after her work she walked out of her office and started walking around

megatron: hey y/n!

Y/n : yes lord megatron?

Megatron: how's project iacon?

Y/n : it's going pretty good but I only managed to do only one part of it is it okay?

Megatron: for a new decepticon like you it's a excellent work keep it up okay and don't get distracted while working

Y/n : thanks my lord I'll try my best

Megatron: oh and you're the decepticon agent

Y/n : I know but me? why? I am not worthy of it

Megatron: because you respect me more then the other decepticons

Y/n well thanks master * bows*

Megatron: you're welcome now go back to whatever you wore doing

Y/n : alright bye *walks away*

Megatron: I like this girl she's loyal and good working

Starscream: what about me?!

Megatron: Maybe you should learn from her

Starscream: whatever

Later on y/n gets her first mission amd during the mission she sees optimus prime and....ummmm she gets a crush and same with optimus

Optimus prime : *noticed y/n and blushed*

Y/n : * same *

Optimus prime : greetings cybertronian my name's optimus prime leader of the autobots nice to meet you

Y/n : greetings optimus prime my name's y/n all-spark prime nice to meet you too

Optimus prime : nice to meet you are you a autobot or decepticon?

Y/n : decepticons sir

Optimus prime: but you don't seem deadly at all you seem kinda cute..

Y/n : *giggles* thank you now I gotta get back to my mission

Optimus prime : alright see you around maybe?

Y/n : I don't know megatron doesn't let me hang out with autobots and I am loyal to him

Optimus. Prime : I totally understand.... alright goodbye y/n it was nice meeting you

Y/n : goodbye optimus it was nice meeting you too

Optimus prime: *walks away*

Y/n : *walks away too*

While optimus prime and y/n went to do their own works on the mission y/n found dark energon and brought it to megatron back on the warship

Y/n : *bows* master I have returned and I found dark energon on the way my lord

Megatron: where did you find it

Y/n : I was walking around at the arctic and I saw something glowing purple and went to check it out and saw it was dark energon

Megatron: good work can you put it with the other dark energons do you know where they are?

Y/n : yes master *leaves and puts it with the others*

Megatron: *follows her* good job you may now rest or get back to project iacon do whatever makes you comfortable

Y/n : thank you*walks away*

Megatron: such a great worker

Dreadwing: I know master

I am so sorry but this is the end of this part will do the other part tonight or Tomorrow I'll do it whenever I have time hope y'all enjoyed it byee...

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