1. The Smiling Boy

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Continuing From Chapter 1 of Lonely 'The Star Boy'

Anticipation courses through me as the impending full moon approaches, and the prospect of meeting Huening Kai heightens my nervousness. Despite my unease, an inexplicable urge propels me to extend an offer to share my thoughts with him. There's an enigmatic quality about him that sparks a desire to open up completely, an inclination to divulge everything within me, and an equally fervent wish for him to reciprocate.

In the vast landscape of our high school, Huening Kai stands out as the first person with whom I've engaged in a conversation lasting longer than a fleeting two minutes. The rarity of such interactions intensifies my eagerness to forge a connection that transcends brevity.

Ascending the fence, I discover Huening Kai already present, his gaze fixed upon the burgeoning moon above. The lunar glow seems to weave into the fabric of his mood, as if the celestial orb holds a silent dialogue with his emotions.

The lunar beams cascade over him, accentuating the delicate contours of his features, casting a soft luminosity upon his figure. His dark hair, touched by the silver glow, frames his face like a celestial halo, and the gentle night breeze seems to playfully tousle his locks.

As he looks up at the moon, there's a profound serenity in his expression, a reflection of the moon's influence on his mood. The pale radiance highlights the graceful lines of his profile, revealing a quiet beauty that transcends the ordinary. In this nocturnal setting, Huening Kai becomes a portrait of celestial aesthetics, a harmonious blend of the natural world and his captivating presence.

Regret swirls within me as I silently yearn for the foresight to bring a sketchpad, a tangible refuge for my awkwardness. In the midst of my internal lament, Huening Kai turns his gaze toward me and, with an almost inaudible mumble, utters a simple "hey."

Attempting to bridge the gap between us, I navigate the precarious dance of one foot in front of the other, a hesitant waltz toward the branch of the tree. Joining him in this arboreal tableau, I grapple with the words that hover awkwardly in the air, uncertain of how to navigate the conversational landscape unfolding under the moon's watchful glow.

"Um, hey," I stammer in response, my gaze flitting between Huening Kai and the moonlit surroundings. A fumbled attempt to articulate my thoughts hovers awkwardly in the night air. "I, uh, was just thinking... you know, about this moment. It's kinda, you know, nice and stuff."

I feel a flush of embarrassment at my own stumbling words, wishing I could seamlessly express the swirling thoughts in my head. Huening Kai, with a patient nod, seems to grasp the essence of my awkward attempt at conversation.

"Yeah, it is," he replies, his tone gentle, his eyes returning to the moon. I fidget with an imaginary crease in my shirt, desperately trying to dispel the palpable unease in the atmosphere.

"So, spill it. What's the deal with this moon?" he asks, his curiosity sparking a lunar inquiry that thrusts me headlong into a tidal wave of moon-related enthusiasm. "What makes it so special?"

"Oh, um, the moon?" I stumble over my words, caught off guard by his inquiry. "Well, you see, there are different types of moons, and each has its own, like, significance." I can feel the awkward energy pulsating as I dive into a spontaneous moon monologue.

"There's the harvest moon, right? It's like this warm, golden glow that kinda signals the autumn vibes. And then, uh, the supermoon—it's all big and close, making the night sky extra bright. Oh, and the blue moon, not really blue, but it's the second full moon in a month."

I pause, realizing I might be overwhelming him with lunar trivia. Huening Kai, however, listens attentively, his curiosity evident in the subtle tilt of his head.

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