Chapter 6

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Hello guys! I'm so sorry I have not updated but let's stop waisting time and get to the story!

Lubba's pov
The next morning I was going to levys room but then I decided that I should make her breakfast. I was walking to the kitchen and then I heard noises. I walked in stealthily to se who it was. I was peaking into the kitchen and then I saw blue hair, it was Levy..... I walked towards her and I guess I scared her cause she pointed the knife she was holding towards my chest. "Oh it's you, you kinda scared me" she said slowly pointing the knife down. After a few seconds a frown formed on her face " what's wrong levy?" I asked. "Oh it's just that.... well I was gonna make you breakfast.." she said as her cheeks started turning red , then my checks turned red too "well I was gonna make you breakfast because.... you helped me to find a good place to call home" she finished, then she smiled at me and oh boy did she look beautiful. I looked at her and told her "Oh , thank you! Actually I was gonna make you breakfast to...... make you feel welcome to night raid!" She smiled and there was an awkward silence. After a minute of awkward silence and us staring at each other I finally spoke up " So since we were making each other breakfast ,why don't we help each other?" I suggested , she nodded her head in an excitedly manor. She said she was making eggs with toast and tea. " I'll make the te-" "And I'll make the eggs and the toast!" She interrupted me and yelled out excitedly what she wanted to make. "alright then I'll start with the tea" I told her and she nodded and went towards the fridge to get the eggs out. When we both finished what we were making we both headed to the table and sat down. we put the food on our plate . She kept on staring at me and said. " Try the food I wanna see if you like it!" I nodded and ate some of the egg "It's delicious!" I silently yelled. She gave me that beautiful smile again and it made me blush. "So tell me about yourself" i said while shoving some of the egg in my mouth and biting the toast. "Well I usually don't talk about my self to people but ok, well since I was little my parents abandoned me in the streets and one day a man took me in and gave me my imperial arms and taught me how to use it. Now that I think about it his imperial arms looked like tatsumis a lot. His name was Bulat....."

Omg cliffhanger 😁😁😁😱😱
Sorry in advance if I don't update fast but yea.... Hope you liked this chapter! Bye bye!

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