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chapter six ᥫ᭡ ᵏⁱˢˢᵉˢ

❝ can i get a kiss ?and can you make it last forever ? ❞

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can i get a kiss ?
and can you make it last forever ?

❝ can i get a kiss ?and can you make it last forever ? ❞

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NONE : point of view ( third person )

     " I'll be back before dinner , " PLACING A HAND UPON SILVER'S CHEEK , ( Name ) could only stare at the baby , who seemed to be turning one as the baby stared at her with doe eyes . Yet already seem to be at the verge of crying . The woman sighed and just pinched the baby's cheek . " I know , I know . And I understand your frustrations . But I will be right back . "

   Came out a whine from little Silver , displeased by the idea of his mother leaving — why can't they understand ? He wants both of his parents . Stupid adults , can't even understand babies . And he could feel his tears well up even more as the woman only snorted at him , and just pinched his cheek .

      " What a chubby baby you've grown into , but I suppose I overfed you ... I must limit the proportions you eat as your stomach is finally able to digest food , because I want you to grow up to be a healthy baby boy . But I can't just help it ~ you're too cute . " Silver only babbled in response as ( Name ) used her baby voice on him — he loved the attention he was getting . It made him feel so loved , and so special .

    Switching moods , he lets out a happy giggle and clasped both of his chubby hands giving ( Name ) a smile . Not actually toothless — as a woman could see one tooth growing inside . It was one of the reasons why Silver didn't want her to leave either , because he was teething . Even if Lilia was there , he's not as efficient on handling Silver just like how the woman does . ( It was obvious on who's the favorite parent ) Simply because the woman had this certain charm on her when it comes to infants .

" Babies love you , " Lilia suddenly popped up behind the woman , who seemed unfazed by his arrival wherein Silver who got startled , started to cry which caused Lilia to pout and sulk .

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