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makayla sat in her underwear, the feelings of shame and guilt in her stomach multiplying by the second. at the time, she had really wanted to have sex with chris, and she wasn't exactly complaining when his stupid chain was dangling over her, but now it was over...she couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself.

as chris got dressed, she just sat on the bench, staring at nothing. she was so angry at him, and she really did hate him for hurting her - he hadn't even apologised and yet she had just had sex with him. she felt so stupid for giving into him so easily, and she was angry at herself for allowing him to have her again.

she felt sick because she felt like she was proving his point - she was easy.

chris pretended not to notice as he pulled his shirt back on, but it was so difficult to miss. he could lie to himself all he wanted, but he cared about makayla. she looked completely defeated, her eyes not moving from the same part of the ceiling.

''are you okay?'' he asked lamely.

she didn't reply for a few moments and then she turned to look at him. ''no, chris. i'm not okay.''

he felt his heart drop. ''i know you're mad at me-''

''i'm mad at myself. i just keep proving your stupid point true even though it isn't.''

''what point?'' he asked in confusion.

she shook her head. ''don't worry.''

''no, kayla, tell me.''

''we never should've done this. please just leave me alone.''


''please, chris!'' she exclaimed, her eyes full of tears. ''if you have literally any respect for me, please just get out!''

the brunette boy hesitated. he really didn't want to leave her - he had been hoping she was going to hear him out - but she clearly didn't want to. he was going to try plead with her some more, but something was telling him to leave. he didn't know what she was talking about with the respect comment, but he didn't want to ask.

''okay.'' he muttered.

she didn't look at him as he unlocked the locker room door. he looked back at her, hoping she would ask him to stay, but it never happened. he pushed open the door and left, letting it slam behind him and making makayla jump.


''how was practice?'' ryan asked when the brunette girl got back to her room.

she sighed heavily. ''i'm such an idiot.''

''didn't you go?'' he questioned in confusion. ''you're not an idiot, mak, you're going through something.''

''no, i went.'' she confirmed.

'' what?''

''i ran into chris. actually, he practically ran after me.''

ryan smiled lightly. ''did you kick his ass?''


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