4 💜 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙿𝚄𝚁𝙿𝙻𝙴 *+:。.

128 4 25


i brewed this shit up way faster than i thoight

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Waking up late was quite unusual for me these days. When I opened my eyes for the first time today, I noticed that in my arms was not the boy that I fell asleep with, but instead Ruffrunner. I loosed my hold on the small dragon to get a good look at his form and make sure I wasn't imagining things. How did he get in my arms? Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I hung my legs off the side of the bed and waited for a moment or two as I tried ridding myself of my sleepy state.

Making my way to the kitchen, I poured myself some water with ice and went off to the training grounds, where I found Wu and Kai. It seems I was just in time to watch Kai take a chance at the game. Taking my seat on the patio of the building, the first thing I tried to do was get the ice that was swirling around in my cup. As I did so, I watched Gramps reach for the napkin to set his tea cup on, and Kai was off the second his fingers grazed the small slab of cotton. It surprised me, and even though I had a hard time seeing his face, he had new-found faith, and it was way different than any other time he's challenged the course.

With how fast he was clearing each section, he was almost a blur to me, especially so with the way he constantly flipped and maneuvered around to use the obstacles to his own benefit. Wu could see that Kai actually had a chance, which made him plop his sugar cubes into his cup a little faster. When the blur reached the columns that pumped in and out of the ground, he threw his sword as hard as he could to the cup that was just out of reach from Wu's lips, making him spill the tea.

As Gramps rushed to pour himself another cup, he noticed he couldn't find Kai anywhere, and neither could I. I was too shocked that Kai used my own play against me. Wasn't really mine, but I myself taught him about "street rules," which I'm quite proud of. After a moment of searching, both of us found the boy beside us, lounging on the steps to offer his sensei sugar cubes. "Was that one sugar, or two?" he asked with a sly smirk, holding up the small plate of cubes. Wu merely scoffed, standing and turning to head inside the monastery, with the doors opening for him. How does he do that? It still gets me everytime.

Kai however, was unphased. "So. Am I gonna learn this 'spinjitzu' I've been hearing so much about?" Wu paused. "You already have. Your final test comes tomorrow." The door closes behind him. Kai looked at me, clearly confused but before he could ask, I jumped on him, surprising him and wrapping my arms around him. "Congratulations you finally did it!!" I shouted squealing. He chuckled and I felt his arms around me, getting up from the steps. Next thing I knew was that he was swinging me around as he lifted me.

I was so happy for him since his confidence had been diminishing the longer it took, and now we were one step closer to saving his sister. Eventually, he set me down and we walked inside together.

"I don't know about you, but I forgot to have breakfast."

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It was much later in the day, or rather night, and I was sprawled out across the stone in the training grounds just stretching out. Since the walls were thin, I could hear Kai mocking Wu from wherever he was, even though I was outside. I pretty much ignored his grunts and just rolled around since I had nothing better to do and wasn't all that tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙰 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 || NINJAGO • Kai ✘ F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now