What does my reflection show?

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Just as he was getting ready, Thomas spotted Deceit in the mirror standing behind him. He dropped the hairbrush with a sigh.
"What do you want, Janus?", he asked, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to calm himself down.

Janus hummed and leaned back against the shower cabin.
"Well, Thomas...on a first proper hangout, I can't be left behind. Lies are essential."

Thomas coughed out the mouthwash, quickly downing water to get rid of the taste on his tongue. He clearly hadn't expected that answer, even though it literally came from him.
"I'm not going to lie to him-", he cut himself off as Janus raised an eyebrow, "Fine. I won't lie a lot. I want to be honest, not pretend someone I'm not."

For a bit, the bathroom stayed silent. After Thomas had applied his aftershave, he took a deep breath.
"Do me one favour. Try and keep Remus under control, yeah?"

Janus didn't say anything in response, simply sinking back out. But he winked with the human part of his face, so Thomas decided to take that as a yes.

His anxiety just minutes before the scheduled time was going crazy. Thomas was pacing all over his living room, trying to see if he had missed anything. Right after what had to be his seventh time checking his hair in the mirror, the doorbell rang.

David had at first been slightly hesitant to go. He had only met Thomas once before after all, so he didn't know much about him at all. But what he did know convinced him to go anyway. Watching a movie and hanging out couldn't hurt, could it?
So there he was, standing there in front of the door with his jeans jacket, X-Men T-shirt and grey scarf.

As soon as Thomas opened the door, he felt himself smile widely. And while he wasn't comfortable enough yet for a full on hug, he settled for letting the other man take his hand and pulling him in for half a hug, just for a few seconds.

"It's great to see you again", David admitted as soon as he stepped through the door, "Now that I'm not having a breakdown."

Thomas felt his heart warm up at the first sentence, though that may have been Patton getting overwhelmed with emotions. After the hug, he had to listen to Logan remind Roman that he didn't even know whether David was gay. He had decided to tune his side out after that, too busy with the matter at hand.

"It's good to see you too", he grinned and gestured for him to sit down on the couch. For a few seconds, there was silence, their conversation coming to a temporary stop.

"Would you...like to drink something?", Thomas asked eventually in an attempt to restart it, "You can meanwhile pick out a movie."

David managed a small smile and nodded slowly, brushing his hair into place.
"Sure, water sounds good."

A few minutes later, Thomas returned with two glasses of water filled with ice cubes. He had set down his Disney DVD collection to choose a movie from and David was holding up Mulan.
"I haven't watched this one in a while, but I loved it as a kid", he grinned and handed it over.

Thomas smiled back, turning on the tv to start the movie. He wasn't sure whether the warm feeling in his chest came from Patton or Roman with his love of Disney.

"Yeah, it's my Mom's favourite", Thomas explained and leaned back into his seat.
He noticed that David winced a bit, but wrote it off as normal nervousness.

The first few minutes of the movie passed without any sort of problems. As soon as the songs started, Thomas could hear Roman sing them inside of his head. He had to do everything in order not to sing along out loud. During the "Reflection" song, David seemed to be getting a bit teary eyed, quickly wiping the tears away.

"Hey, I get it", Thomas told him with a soft smile, "Disney has a thing for tugging at your heartstrings."
The other man chuckled and simply responded: "I guess so. By the way, what do you do for a living? If I may ask, I'm not that good at guessing."

Thomas had been dreading a question like this. A lot of times when he answered it, he wasn't taken seriously or other people made fun of him. For a split second, he considered asking Deceit to make up a lie. It would be so easy to do so.

But he decided against it with the simple sentence of: "I make Youtube videos."

To his surprise, David hummed in response, more impressed than weirded out.
"That sounds really adventurous. I work with videographers from time to time, it's an impressive job", he explained, rubbing the back of his neck, "I...I just...I plan weddings."

Thomas felt as though a giant weight had been lifted from his shoulders all at once, which was probably Virgil easing up a bit.
"So you make dreams come true. That sounds great", he smiled, turning back to the TV after a moment of silent eye contact.

During the scene where Mulan was discovered for who she was, David started to look a bit uncomfortable, fiddling with his hands.
"Hey...are you okay?", Thomas asked softly and reached towards him.

'Thomas, that's a stupid question', Virgil mumbled in his mind, 'You messed up again, we blew it.'

David looked up abruptly the second their hands touched, his eyes wide before he pulled back.
"Y-Yeah...I'm f-fine", he stuttered, although Thomas had a hard time believing him. The rest of the movie went smoothly though, with them making a bit more smalltalk about recent broadway shows.

As soon as David left, Thomas watched as Logan appeared in his usual corner.
"I'm no psychologist, but I do think that was slightly odd", he remarked, "Though not a lost cause yet."

Virgil was the next to appear, with freshly touched eye shadow making him look like a racoon that had fallen into a pit of purple fabric scraps.
"It is a lost cause. You threw this opportunity out of the window, Sanders, we had a good run", he remarked, flinching when Patton showed up.

While the fatherly side did look slightly concerned, he sighed softly.
"Kiddo...you should just wait and see. Maybe it's not all gone yet. Logan is right", Patton told him, to which the logical side turned his head away, just to hide the hints of a blush.

Thomas rubbed his eyes hard, but ended up nodding. He was tired and at least David had texted him to have a good night.
"Hey bitch!", Remy called from the doorway of his bedroom, "Your Sleep has arrived! Better get it, before I decide to check out the fight your two kinds of creativity are having!"
The side responsible for his sleep laughed, taking a sip from his starbucks coffee before he laid down on the bed. After a moment of hesitation, Thomas followed him.

Meanwhile, David had finally gotten back to his appartment. Before going to bed, he stepped into his bathroom to look inside his mirror. He looked tired, but for a split second, he allowed himself to smile.

That smile vanished when his reflection showed a snake curled up next to his ear.
"Keep lying to yourself", it hissed, after which he turned the light of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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