an imposter among us

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Will sobbed and writhed as she was wheeled into the hospital of Hawkin's lab. His pained screams pierced the ears of Sam, Mike, Joyce, and Bob as they followed the doctors wheeling him around.

His eyes were screwed shut and filled with tears, fluorescent lights shining down on him in his reclined position. An oxygen mask was around his mouth, slightly muffling his sobs.

"I'm right here," Joyce had two arms on Will's bed. "Hold on."

Will's arms were wrapped around himself, hands gripping his forearms so tight they could leave bruises.

The bed took a turn. A door was opened. Will was transferred into another room, but Sam didn't really register that. Will's pain and sobs took away most of her focus.

It was so painful to watch; so painful to hear. Sam had begun crying, as if she was the one in so much pain. She had surged forward to help Will when they placed him on the hospital bed, but Mike was wrapping his hand around Sam's wrist and pulling her backwards. Sam felt Mike's hand shaking, distraught, as he tried letting the doctors do their job and keeping Sam away. She coughed out a sob, feeling useless, and Mike's grip tried tugging Sam closer.

"Will," Sam cried, and next thing Mike knew, he was feeling the painful shock of electricity and letting go with a hiss. The lights above were flickering rapidly as Sam tried to make it to Will's bed again.

This time, Bob held Sam back, and he was much more stronger than Mike was. Blood dripped down her nose, mixing with the tears that ran down her face.

"Vitals?" A doctor asked.

"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106," another voice answered.

Another doctor was taking scissors and cutting off Will's shirt that was drenched in sweat. A nurse was taking Will's face in her hands, trying to get his attention, "Will? Where does it hurt?"

"All. Over," he groaned. His voice was muffled by the mask.

"Joyce says he feels like he's burning," a doctor spoke up. Dr. Owens, Sam faintly recalled. "Check for burns."

Will continued writing under the hands of multiple nurses and doctors, back arching off the bed as he yelled.

"I don't see anything," the ER doctor examined. Will's skin wasn't burned in the slightest, remaining the pale shade it always is. If anything, he was paler.

"Where does it hurt the most, Will?" The ER doctor tried, terribly unsure of what was going on.

Will didn't notice how the ER doctor now took a needle to his arm. "Everywhere," he screamed as the sedative went in. "Everywhere!"

Sam turned in Bob's arms sobbing, Joyce tried soothing Mike from behind while she cried too, and Will was out like a light.

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"Your nose was bleeding earlier, Sam," Mike broke the silence, he and Sam having been just staring at a sedated Will for hours. Mike wasn't even sure Sam had blinked in that long.

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