damn, sam is right

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All walls, floors, and ceilings of the shed were surrounded by tarp, cardboard, tin foil, and paper so that Will wouldn't be able to recognize where he was. Not an inch of the shed went uncovered, everyone pitching in now to make sure of that — even Sam was allowed to get up, to leave the shed and help.

Hopper carried the still-unconscious Will into the shed, took electric rubber wire, and tied him against a support pole. He sat in the chair that Corey had taped up with cardboard, arms and feet both restricted. Sam found herself stood between two of her closest friends with nothing to say for what was unfortunately not the first time, and most likely not the last either. They all waited in tense silence as Corey and Mike plugged in the blinding lights and pointed them at Will.

Everyone began to clear out after a few moments once it was done, and Mike called out to his friends in confusion as they followed Nancy and Steve outside. "Where are you guys going? He needs us, too!"

"C'mon, man," Lucas shrugged him off, giving him one of those looks that meant he was being stupid again. "You know we don't have as much of a chance at getting through to him as you do."

"That — That's not true—"

"It's okay, Mike," Dustin smiled, as genuine as he could. "It's not bad, you guys are just... closer. Known each other longer."

Sam's eyes narrowed on Corey, when he looked physically pained by the whole ordeal.

Mike sighed, wanting to argue for the equality of the entire Party's friendship, but letting them go with a very reluctant frown.

"Oh, Sam, honey — don't you think you should stay, too?" Joyce called out as the girl turned to leave, which should have been insulting to Lucas, Dustin, and Corey, but they were looking at her in confusion too.

"Yeah, the fuck are you doing, Sam?"

"I—" Sam gaped back at her cousin dumbly, closing her mouth and swallowing. "I don't want to make anything worse..."

"You couldn't, Sam," Lucas protested, shaking his head. "There's not a world you could make things worse."

Dustin nodded, in agreement with Lucas and disagreement with Sam. "Yeah, what, Specks? You understand everyone better than, like, anyone. You can get through to Will, too."

Sam's fact tinted at her friends' confidence in her. It felt good, but it also scared her, because the higher of expectations that people had for her, the worse it would be when she eventually let everyone down. She was trying to avoid ensuing disappointment by not joining Will, but it didn't seem like that would be an option.

"Okay," Sam gave in. "Fine. I'll help."

And so Sam entered the shed again, closing the door behind her so that nothing could be seen from outside. She made eye contact with Mike, and both of them nodded to each other, albeit shakily.

"All right," Hopper muttered to Joyce. "You ready?"


Hopper shook a contain of ammonium, and fucking great, Sam was thinking of Bob again. She clutched the necklace Joyce had just given her, and was surprised to find that it brought her at least a little bit of solace. She watched as Hopper poured someone of the ammonium on a cotton ball. Crouching in front of Will, Hopper held the ammonium-infused cotton under Will's nose to bring him back into consciousness.

The Long Game,  Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now