Chapter Seven

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Mike and Carrie giggled with each other as they both sat on his couch, looking through the photos they had just taken. They were waiting patiently for Isaiah's arrival. Carrie was more than joyful because this was going to be her first time meeting the precious baby.

"I like that one!" Mike blurted, making Carrie stop swiping her thumb across her phone screen.

"With your tongue sticking out like that?" Carrie questioned, looking at Mike with a raised eyebrow.

"Mhm," Mike hummed, his lips curling into a grin. "Your tongue is sticking out too!"

Carrie laughed when she realized that he was correct. "Okay, I'll post that one," she said, automatically thinking of a cute caption to put.

"Or we can post the one of us kissing," the handsome brunette suggested whilst nuzzling his head into Carrie's neck.

"I don't think so," Carrie laughed, "we should just stick with the silly one." She leaned down to kiss her boyfriend's temple but he ended up stealing a kiss on the lips from her. Their simple lip contact turned into them making out and their tongues battling with the other. Mike positioned himself so he was eye level with her and started to slowly push her back onto the couch, slipping one hand up her blouse and the other tugged on her jean short shorts. Carrie let his hands travel her body as she used her hands to touch his broad, muscular chest and six-pack of abs.

Things began to get more and more intense until the doorbell rang. Mike sighed against Carrie's lips and pulled his hand from underneath her shirt. He gently got off of Carrie and walked towards the front door. The blonde was more than happy to finally meet Isaiah.

Mike opened the front door and gave a fake smile. "Hi, Jennifer," he sounded displeased. He took Isaiah, who was sleeping peacefully in his car seat, out of her hands and gently set him down on the ground.

"Hello, Mike," the brunette scoffed. The two were obviously not getting along. "I'm going to my parent's house at twelve PM tomorrow and they want to see Isaiah. So make sure to have Isaiah ready and his things together. I'll pick him up." Jennifer was snotty and Carrie could tell right away. Carrie thought about how and why Mike fell in love with her.
"I see you have a guest," Jennifer turned her head to look at Carrie, who stood by the couch, awkwardly listening to the divorced couple.

"Jennifer, this is Carrie, my girlfriend. Carrie, this is Jennifer," Mike introduced the two ladies.

"Nice to meet you," Carrie said with a warm smile, walking over to shake Jenny's hand.

Jennifer glanced at Carrie's handshake offer and ignored it, relocating her eyes on Mike's. Carrie retrieved her hand and rolled her eyes at the brunette's rudeness.

"And I see you have moved on already," Jennifer said in almost a question, tilting her head and staring intently at Mike.

"Says the woman that cheated on me," Mike shot. "I think you should go now." He opened the front door for her to exit.

Jennifer pulled the shades that were upon her head over her eyes. "That would be best," she replied, taking a step out of the house and making her way to her car, not bothering to wave or say goodbye.

Mike shut the door and turned around to see Carrie standing there with wide eyes.

"She seems lovely," Carrie fake smiled and let out a genuine laugh.

Mike chuckled too and turned his attention to Isaiah. "This is my little man," he grinned, pulling the blanket off of the car seat, revealing the baby's chubby face.

"He's so adorable!" Carrie gasped, putting her hands on her cheeks.

Mike smiled and covered him back up. "I'm going to take him upstairs and put him in his crib," he said, picking up the car seat.

"Okay," Carrie replied, taking a seat on the couch again and stretching her legs across it. While Mike was putting Isaiah in his bedroom, Carrie went back to thinking of a caption to put on their picture. It was going to be their first photo that they took and posted on social media.
"Babe," Carrie called, not taking her eyes off of the screen.

"Yeah?" Mike questioned, descending the stairs with a baby monitor in his hand.

"Do you have any ideas?" She asked, showing her boyfriend her phone. She removed her feet from the couch so Mike could take a seat.

He sat down where their hips were touching each other and began to think.
"How about, 'That Mike Fisher is a pretty cool dude'," Mike suggested, smiling and raising is eyebrows.

"Wow, that's perfect," Carrie excitedly said. She typed what he suggested and posted it on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Her phone immediately blew up with comments, likes, reposts, retweets, shares, and any other thing.

"People really love you," Mike whispered as he placed Carrie's legs over his lap. She blushed and smiled at him, not knowing what to say. "I don't blame them," he added while caressing her toned legs.

"Oh, shut up!" Carrie's cheeks were completely flushed.

"I'm serious," Mike defended his statement, "you're the perfect woman. You have every single quality that I adore."

Carrie lifted her legs off of his lap and saddled his waist. Without saying a word, she ducked down to capture his lips. Mike slid his hands onto her butt as she was lightly grinding into his center. The blonde entangled her fingers in Mike's hair as she dug deeper into his mouth with her tongue. Once she felt him start to unzip the zipper on her shorts, she pulled away, stopping him from pulling her shorts off.

"We can't do this right now," Carrie said while detaching their lips.

"Sure we can," Mike responded, pecking her lips once more.

"It doesn't feel right," the petite woman admitted, climbing off of Mike's lap. "Your child is here and we're on the couch doing... This." She sat next to Mike and placed her left hand on his chest, looking into his eyes and dragging her right index finger down his bottom lip to his chin. Blinking a few times, she leaned in once more to place a kiss on his lips. Carrie pulled away with her eyes still closed and her bottom lip in between her teeth.

Mike was about to say something to Carrie before Isaiah's cry rang through the baby monitor.

"I got him," Carrie jumped up and sprinted up the stairs.

Mike laughed at his girlfriend's excitement to get to hold Isaiah for the first time. He had an amazing woman in his hands and he knew it. He promised himself to never let her go.

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