[I] Adoration of a Lover

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(Posted 2024-01-14, Original (Ao3 ver.) posted 2023-08-14)
Not well edited or betaed but I'm sure it'll be fine /j

(And no hate to religion, Ghost is just extremely atheist.)


Ghost has never really cared for religion. He finds the whole concept stupid, idiotic even. So much faith in something you can't even see? Fucking pathetic.

He learned a long time ago that it was all bullshit.

He lost his faith in religion long before he ever joined the military. (The longer he spent serving only enforcing his beliefs.)

If there truly was something out there, how could it be so cruel? If some cosmic entity cared so much about humanity, why not do something about the atrocities? Why let evil and corruption rule?

Simple. The universe doesn't give a shit.

There was no god or deity of any religion that was real. Too much suffering has been caused in the names of gods and deities long past for any to be true. So much blood has been spilled because humanity would never hear the other side, always believing themselves to be the only ones correct. Never stepping back to realize that none of it was true at all. So many deaths all in the names of lies.

But... If Ghost is ever forced to choose any of the countless gods or deities to worship, it would have to be Gary "Roach" Sanderson.

Truly, it would be.

Because to him, Roach is his faith.

That man is the only thing keeping him grounded during tough times, the only one there for him after nightmares, and the only one allowed to see Simon for who he was.

Sergeant Sanderson is like if bloody condensed sunshine was a person. His personality is like a warm summer's day that's filled with laying in the sunshine, laughing and joking with friends. His shining personality would instantly light up any room he walks into, no matter the previous atmosphere. He's the one that hand builds those happy memories that keep you going.

And if Simon is being fucking honest, Gary is the Sun in his eyes. Yet, he's brighter than the Sun could ever even dream of being. He's just this ball of happiness, brightening any rainy day. Even when he's annoying, he still radiates warmth. He still radiates safety.

Far more safety than Simon has ever felt in his life.

Even if his eyes do deceive him, and Roach doesn't shine as bright as he thinks, he'll still love his Bug with all his heart. He'll pull apart his own being and gift himself as an offering. Worship Gary with every fiber of his very soul until the end of their eternity together.

Simon would carve out his own bloody heart if it meant that he could spend his forever at Gary's side.

Gary helped show Simon what it was to be human again, to truly be Simon Riley again....

And Simon could never, never, come close to thanking him enough.


When they first got together, Ghost was scared by the sheer intimacy of it all. The fact that this could irreversibly complicate things in the field and damage his heart even more. But Roach... Roach was afraid too. Afraid that he would accidentally hurt Simon. Get too excited.. Do too much too fast.

Ghost feared so many things that could go wrong. He wouldn't be able to take hurting Roach or Roach hurting him...

And yet...

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