Chapter 1

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On Olympus the gods were at the throne room for there meeting with them arguing as usual.

With Zeus and Poseidon argued about which disasters are better, Artemis yelling at her brother Apollo for flirting with her hunters, Hades was ignoring Demeter who was yelling at him about her daugther Persephone, Aphrodite was looking at herself in a mirror, Hephaestus was tinkering with a piece metal thinking of what to make.

 While Ares was bored so he was looking through the eyes of the boar head at camp on his cabin door to amuse himself, Hermes was talking to his aunt Hestia, Hera was glaring at her husband on how he cheat on her, Dionysus was drinking some coke while looking at magazine of wine, while Athena was thinking of plans and strategies.

Hestia look at her family in sadness  at seeing the way they act with her just wishing they act like a really family for once.

Before she and everyone notice a flash of light as everyone see a group of demigods, a Satyr, and Chiron appeared in front of everyone with them looking around in confusion except one demigod that look like her brother Poseidon having black hair and sea green eyes wearing the orange camp half-blood shirt and Chiron.

"Where are we" A girl with blond hair and storm gray eyes ask.

"Who are you, Speak or I'll blast you to smithereens" Zeus demanded as lightning dance around his form with him holding his Master bolt on his left hand.

'Smithereens really' Everyone thought at once knowing he was watching to many mortal shows not knowing his favorite was a mange and anime shows that was about a kid with a monkey tail going on a adventure to collect seven magic ball.

 "Didn't you summon us Lord Zeus" A girl with short choppy chocolate brown hair kaleidoscope eyes wearing the orange camp half-blood shirt ask.

"Uh no we didn't summon you" Poseidon said for his brother.

"Uh do you mean if I ask what year is it" The boy with sea green eyes ask them confusing them at that.

"Sure it is 2003" Athena said answering his question.

"Well were from the future from 2011" A girl with black hair, black eyes, and olive skin wearing the camp half-blood shirt said to them surprising them at .

'From the future' Apollo thought surprise at that not having seen something like this before even in his visions.

The green sea eyed boy look down with him seeing a projector and small desk on the ground with a letter on top with him picking it up and start reading it for everyone to hear.

"To the Olympians we and the creator have grown tired of your constant fighting with each other or of those you considers a threat to your positions so we decide to seen this group from the future so you can watch a different group of individuals so you can grow and mature as well as learn from your mistake and make sure not to harm anyone"

"We well send some people there from that group we mention you well watch about and make sure you do not harm them but first you must get certain individuals here before we bring the group, the list for the individuals are at the back of this paper and make sure to introduce your self"

"Also once the viewing start time outside well be stop so nobody well notice anything"

From. The Fates and Chaos

When he finish everyone was staring at the note in shock at what they heard at what they heard and on who's its from.

Zeus decide to slam his Master Bolt to the grown to get everyone to focus causing them all to snap back to reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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