2: be the bait

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The were-witch sat on the couch of the Salvatore boarding house, sipping a glass of bourbon she found in Damon's stash. The house was empty, the sounds of glasses clinking echoed through the home, bouncing off the wooden walls.

"Who are you?" an annoying, yet all too familiar, voice made its way to her ears.

"Doppelgänger, I assume." Reign didn't look away from the fire and her glass of bourbon. "I don't even have to look at you to know that you," she stood and walked toward the frightened doppelgänger. "Are Elena Gilbert. Part of the Petrova bloodline, but I don't think you've earned that title, Doe-Eyes. Lack of strength, of bravery, lack of smarts. Everything Katerina is not. You tried to take down Klaus, yes?" she tutted, "Bad idea, Love."

"Who. Are. You." Elena demanded.

"Reign Slater." the raven haired vampire stood in awe of the woman standing in his house.

"The one and only. I still have the right to the Salvatore name now, don't I?"

"As long as you breathe, Thunderstorm."

"I've met your newest doppelgänger. Bit more annoying than Katerina."

"Yeah well, you can't have everything." Damon said quickly before changing the subject. "Well, sorry I can't stay long, but Stefan and I have to attend to a thousand-year-old Original Hybrid. We're going to kill him."

"Ah, yes. Klaus Mikaelson?" Reign knew it wouldn't happen. It never works.

"So you've heard of him?"

"I guess you could say that." she smirks.

"What do you know about him?" Elena chimes in from the sidelines, causing Reign to roll her eyes.

"Enough. Now, I have something to do, give Stefan my regards."


"I was hoping they didn't find out about you." Reign walked into the alleyway, where the vampire was feasting on a lonely man, who was just trying to make it to the bus stop.

"They want me to kill Niklaus, Reign. They gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. Rebekah too." he pulled away from the, now, corpse.

"Rebekah? Plotting to kill her own brother? Niklaus must have really messed up. Though, I have a feeling she won't go through with it."

"Well, I'll make sure she does go through with it. And you will not get in my way. I know you Reign. You like to pretend you don't care about Niklaus then try to save him when it comes down to it. And he would give his life for you. Which is why I was hoping you'd come to find me tonight."

"I know better than to fall for your vulgar tricks... Mikael. And when Nik kills you, and he will, I would love to stare into your eyes and watch the light disappear from them." Reign believed every word she had said. Her old english accent remaining thick through her speech.

"It's not my trick." he smirked. Before Reign could even respond, she was stabbed with a needle full of wolfsbane.

"Sorry, Thunderstorm. But we need you as bait."


The wolf's eye fluttered open, though she still felt weak. She chuckled weakly, wondering humorlessly how she always ended up here. She put the pieces together in her head; The note, Danielle, Mikael. It was all a setup from the beginning. Mikael sent that letter. Mikael compelled Danielle. He wanted her down here to be the bait for Klaus.

Her mind began to wonder to the raven-haired vampire and his Scooby Gang. They had no idea of her connection to the big bad wolf, yet he knew she was needed as bait. That made her head hurt trying to figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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