Ch - 10. Surprise

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YIZHAN -Wattpad

- I told you to stop bothering me with that.- Yibo spoke in a low voice on his cell phone.- I know what I'm doing so don't repeat the same thing to me anymore.- He passed his hand over his face.- Do you think you do? What you tell me will change my mind? You know very well that once I start I don't stop so don't bother me anymore.

Zhan watched from a distance as Yibo paced from one side to the other while talking on his cell phone. His voice was very low and the glass that divided them did not allow sound to pass through the room.

He was still sitting on the floor of his room while the head of a huge, white, cute mastiff rested on his legs. He didn't have to put much effort into guessing that the conversation that boy was having was not very pleasant, his expression said it all.

Once the call ended he saw how his face suddenly changed again. His furrowed brow disappeared and a huge smile broke out as he walked towards him.

- I'm sorry for the interruption. - He sat next to him. - Hey, your terrace is great. It has a wonderful view.

- I often sit at night to watch the panorama. - He stroked the sleeping mastiff's head.

- It seems like someone fell in love with you. - He watched his pet sleep. - Apparently you are very good with pets.

- Would you believe me if I told you that this is actually the first time I've interacted with one?

- How?- He turned a little to see him better.

- I never had a pet. - He looked down and smiled.

- How is that? Don't your parents like them?

- I couldn't tell you.- He kept looking at the pet.

- You never asked them.

- I couldn't tell you. - He looked up and smiled softly.- My mother died when I was little and my father... - He swallow. - He died when I was 14 years old. I grew up fast.- He looked down again.- I missed many things, many details of childhood.- He smiled again.- Among them, having a pet.

- I...I'm sorry.- He looked down.

- It's okay.- He smiled again.- It's over.- He directed his gaze towards Yibo.- And your parents? What do they say that their son will now become an artist?

- I didn't know my father.- He leaned back from the couch.

- Died?

- No...- He smiled.- The idiot abandoned us.

- And your mom?

- My mother? - He sighed.- She supports me in all my decisions. She is very excited for me.

- I'm glad to know that. - He nodded.- By the way, how did your singing classes go?

- It went very well. - He leaned his head back from the sofa. - I have a little experience in singing but these classes will help me improve.

- Do you know the reason why I want you to perfect?

- You said you wanted me to sing in the show.

- I want you to sing but there is also another reason.- He smiled.

- Which?

- You will sing with me.

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