Thirteen - Absense Fail

591 12 4

Cassiopeia Odette.
Spectrum Center

October 20th, 2021

Twenty minutes.

High school students have twenty minutes to not be in a classrom, either from tardiness or skipping, before a student is counted absent.

I never knew the rule also applied to adults until today.


I arrive and quickly make my way through the tunnel

"Pass?" a big man in a black suit stops me and holds his hand out

"Uh..." I dig through my purse frantically. After a short moment of panic, I finally find the VIP pass and show it to the man

"Mkay, put it on and then just wait a second they're in the middle of a play. You're the seat right on half-court"

"Okay" I quickly slip it around my neck and cross my arms- waiting patiently

"Alright, go go, quick" the man gently pushes me into the arena. I briskly walk to my sit, gaining attention from some players and fans. As I sit down, I make direct eye contact with Melo, who's sat on the bench with a blank face on. I smile coyly before sitting down

"Hi" I sit and greet Jelly with a kiss on the cheek

"Bitch you late" Jelly plucks my temple

"I know, what quarter is it?"

"Just got back from half-time"

"Oh..." I look at the game for a second before Melo catches my eye. He's still staring at me with that same blank expression. I shrug my shoulders at him, which seems to upset him. His face twist into a sullen frown. He taps at his wrist and then lifts his shoulders- like he's asking a question. Riddled in confusion, I raise my eyebrows at him

He holds up three fingers and points up at the scoreboard and gameclock. Pacers 77, Charlotte 59.

"Third quarter?" I ask

Melo's chest rises and falls before he stands up from the bench and Coach Borrego begins talking to him before subbing him in for one of the other players

"Uhoh, somebody's mad" Jelly nudges me "Why you late?"

"Got caught up in something" I focus my attention on the game. Melo runs around defenders before abruptly stopping. Cole Anthony tries stopping and trips, giving Melo the perfect time to take a shot from the three point line. The crowd erupts in loud chants and cheers when the ball swooshes into the net. Melo smiles and hold's up an 'okay' with three fingers. I clap once or twice and glance down at my phone

"At least act like you entertained. Late and rude" Melo runs past me with furrowed brows.

"So needy and whiny" Jelly fakes a gag and pats my shoulder comfortingly

"And mean" I mumble while crossing my arms

Melo rests his hands on his knees, waiting for his opponent to make a move

"Sooo, are you gona elaborate on why you're late?"

"No, why are we losing?"

"Because your fiance and his team are shit"

"Oh- Well that's lame" I cross my arms and sit back in my court side seat


For the whole game, Melo is doing amazing. I think he's actually a good player, not that I know what a good player looks like. I would assume Melo looks like one though since he's been scoring majority of the points and dominating the court. He's cute, even sweaty and salty he's adorable.

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