"I'm not sure what you mean about being caught, Laura I honestly know nothing! Look, it hardly matters. I do understand why you would feel that way. Why you would hate me and not want me to meet your little ones. I learned a lot about Jesus and forgiveness while I was away and just..oh Laura, I am so sorry about Betsy."
"Betsy?" I paused, confused. "Why would you care about her?"
'I know, I know Laura, believe me I do. It was all my fault, the drugs. And Betsy, oh God, if I had only been able to see through the haze, if I had only known. She's gone forever now and it's all my fault."
As my mother began to cry, I tapped my fingers on the toy box impatiently. The drugs had clearly fried my mother's brain.
"Mother, why are you talking about Betsy? Why do you even care? And I know where Betsy is." Right underneath me.
"You do? What are you talking about, Laura? Oh God, where is she?!"
I shifted uncomfortably. "Betsy's in the trunk."
I honestly thought she had hung up, I heard nothing on the other end, not even breathing.
".....What do you mean your sister's in the trunk?"
"Sister? What the hell are you talking about? Back on drugs so soon, mother? Betsy is a goddamn doll. I locked her in the toy box a few days before you got arrested for opium possession."
"Laura.. oh God no...no... Laura, I wasn't arrested because of the drugs, I was arrested because of Betsy's disappearance! You always called her your little doll, but we all thought you knew.. Oh God, what did you do, Laura? What did you do to my baby?!"