1• Deep, Dark and Intense.

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Adalyn's POV :

"Please god just let me crack this interview and I promise I will be visiting church religiously and also I will not procrastinate at all. I promise. Please.....just time time please,"

I begged in front of Jesus while sitting on my knees and kept closing my eyes and first tightly while repeating my wish desperately.

I shivered and opened my eyes when a thunder occurred outside.
It has been raining all day today but I don't mind it. I like rainy reason and the cold wind of rain. It is just naturally therapeutic.

I looked at Jesus in front of me for one more time before I got up and made my way out of the church.

I opened my umbrella and started to walk out of the church premises. It was completely dark outside and few people were walking here and there.

I sighed and kept on walking before a light sound of meowing reached my ears. I stopped in my tracks and tried to observe the sound more carefully.

No way I am leaving a cute kitten alone in this rain.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw there were two kittens at the corner of the ally.

I quickly moved forward and squatted down near them.

"ohh my baby," I cooed both the kittens and caressed their head.

"You want some food? Yes baby Mom got you some biscuits,"

I kept cooking them and took out a packet of biscuits from my bag which was half eaten by me.

I broke the biscuits into small pieces and put them in front of their mouth.

I was smiling and feeding them when suddenly a shiver ran down my spine and I jerked up straight.

My eyes moved forward towards the dark alley on their own but I didn't find anything strange. There was no commotion or anything as such. It was all silent. Silent to the point where I  was getting chills.

Shooking my head I again concentrated on the kittens. They were eating eagerly and I could not help but coo at them.

I was feeding them another batch of biscuits when I felt someone's eyes on me. Call it my sixth sense but I could feel someone watching me.

I again looked around myself in the hope of finding someone but then again I was met with silence.

This time I was seriously creeped out. They say never ignore the signs and alarms given by your body. Our body knows it before we get to know it.

I stood up and carefully watched around me. There were not even many people as this is the less crowded area of the city.

I gulped but kept my strong facade intact. I tightly held my umbrella and slowly pulled out my paper spray from my bag.

"It's okay few steps more and then we will reach a more crowded area,"

I was muttering to myself and was about to turn to start walking when suddenly another strong and loud thunder occurred in the sky and my eyes crashed with a dark gaze in the dark alley.

All my breath knocked out of my lungs and I stood frozen on my spot. At that very moment, I wanted to run but I was so scared out of my shit that I couldn't make myself move a muscle.

This is what always happens to me. Whenever I am shocked or scared, I can not make a move to save my life.

I could feel myself struggling for air and my heart was beating loudly as I kept looking deep into the eyes of the potential thief, or perhaps a drugie or worse a criminal.

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