chapter two

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???'s p.o.v.

"Remember to call and lay low don't use your powers unless attacked on first" Fetch warned me. "Ok ok I know now let me go" I said getting kinda bored. "Delsin Rowe you listen to me" Fetch said frustrated. "BYE FETCH TELL EUGENE BYE FOR ME" I shouted
All I packed was money for the trip and four aerosol spray paint. But I can tell this trip would be worth it.

Time jump (3 hours )

I made it to jump city. Honestly it's a nice city. But I was noticing this billboard. It had this group on it. There was this black haired guy in a red and green suit with a black cape and this other dude who is green and a girl in a black leotard and cloak. She looks hot. and another girl who is has orange skin with a purple outfit and a guy who is part robot. Their called "teen titans". I guess their the town heroes. But like Fetch said I have to lay low unless completely necessary. I was driving by when this guy was running but tripped but he wasn'tgetting up. I parked the truck and ran to him. He was shot in his leg. I thought to myself. Would it be necessary if I heal him or not. So I just decided to heal him. He got up and started running again. But then I got this terrible feeling in my arm. I lookedat it and I saw a bullet hole in my sleeve. But then I noticed 20 guys infront of me pointing their guns at me. I started thinking again I got attacked on first so I guess this is necessary. So I smoke dashed and started hitting the criminal with my chain I always keep wrapped up on my wrist. I took down 15 but the other five were running around the area so I used my video power and and turned invisible and subdued the rest. But one guy still had a gun in his hand and he shot my leg. I realize even in captivity these guys don't quit. I shot the guy and missed and I hit the gas tank. Uh oh! The gas tank blew up and the whole area was destroyed. I went flying cause of the explosion and hit the brick wall and blacked out.

I woke let's say and hour later and got from the ground. My head was pounding like a heartbeat. So I started walking to the truck but the truck got destroyed as well. Great. Fetch is going to kill me. I started walking but got cut by this boomerang. It was really sharp. I tried looking for the person who threw it but no luck. Then I got hit by this green bolt. I fell to the ground. Ok who ever this guy was he is starting to piss me off. "What the hell!"
I shouted. I got up but this blue sonic blast came near me but I dodged it. Then I started running but then this black magic rope tied me up. Then this group jumped off the roof and landed a few feet infront of me. I broke free from the rope using my smoke powers and neon sprinted away from them but then I heard on of them say "titans GO". Wait their the teen titans. Opps. But before I could stop to explain this green cheetah running towards me. I started neon sprinting away from it then I was cornered by the team. "give up you are cornered." The black hair guy came up to me. "Wait you have it all wrong. I'm not a criminal" I said.
"Yhen who are you then" the cloak girl asked next. "My name is Delsin Rowe" I said. But then the robot man and the green dude were looking at me funny. "Wait are you by any chance a conduit?" The green dude asked. " Wait what is the con-du-it" the red head asked. "A conduit is a person who can manipulate a form of matter and weaponize it and yes how did you know?"
I asked. "Cause your hands have smoke coming out off them" the black hair guy spoke next. "Hi my name is Robin. The green dude is Beastboy. The girl in the cloak is Raven. the robot is Cyborg and the Orange girl is Starfire" Robin interduced them. I waved my hand as in saying hi. " so where are you from" Raven asked as she walked a little close. "I came from Seattle" I answered walking back slightly. "Oh dude I always wanted to go there" Beastboy said. "Whats it like". "Well since Augustine and her stupid D.U.P. soldiers left Seattle it has been great but still crime going on in Seattle and some D.U.P. soldiers haven't left yet so I'mstill taking care of that. But other than that the city is beautiful" I answered. They all nodded.
"So you're like the Delsin Rowe guy in the game" Cyborg said. "Wait people made a game about me?" I asked. "Yeah and an awesome game at that point" Beastboy said. Wow my very own game. Now that is cool. "So where are you staying?" Raven asked curiously. "Well I'm going to find an abandoned warehouse for me to stay in for awhile" I answered. "Well better get going then later guys". " wait Delsin?" Raven called.
"You are staying with us friend Delsin" Starfire said
"Am I going crazy or is she not speaking English properly" I said while being crushed in a death hug from Starfire. "She can't speak properly because she came from another planet" Robin said. "Come on get in guys let's show Delsin our place" cyborg said. They all got in and I was squished in the back seat with Starfire,beastboy and Raven. I was talking to Robin when I saw Beastboy kissing Raven for a few minutes. I don't know why but for some reason it kinda hurt seeing that.

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