24~Hell Of Shame

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🪁Happy Makar Sankrant🪁

Yana's POV

Yana stared at her with her horror field eyes then at the man who was in between her legs still sucking her without any care about their surrounding.

"Ardhansh your sister..." she stuttered and Maya immediately turned around not knowing how she should react after seeing her elder brother in between the woman's legs.

Yana pulled him away only to see his face fully stained with her cum.

"Shitt what I did!!!!" she muttered and cleaned her skirt before adjusting her panty and running towards the car.

She grabbed the water bottle and her napkin before coming back to see him rotating around.

"Stay steady Ardhansh!!" she yelled at him and struggled to wash off his face.

"I want.... to.....su...ck... suck mommy.." he blabbered and she facepalmed but realized she didn't even have time to curse herself.

She struggled to wash his face and after lots of struggles did it and sighed but that relief didn't last long.

"I want it.." he mumbled and fell on her while keeping his lips on her neck and sucking it.

She softly kept her hand on his head and stroked it before pleading, "Arsh let me clean your face."

He shook his head and rubbed his wet face on her shirt, "I did..."

She rubbed his back and hesitantly said to his sister, "Would you help me Di?"

Maya turned around with a red face and called her husband, "Rakesh help Bhai, he is too drunk."

Rakesh came out of the car and was shocked to see Ardhansh in the middle of the road in a drunken state, "We were coming to meet you bhai, but I didn't expect you would come to the middle of the road to welcome us."

Maya glared at him and snapped, "Help him and make him sit in our car."

She glanced at Yana and said, "Come with us, we were coming to meet Bhai only."

"Car?" Yana asked not wanting to go with them, she wanted to kill herself rather than face her after getting caught with her brother in that state.

"Our driver will drive your car to your place."

"It's my mother's."

Maya was shocked hearing it she thought the girl in front of her was an orphan, still she asked, "Where?"

"Trivedi mansion."

She was too stunned but knowing the situation didn't interrogate her too much.

Rakesh helped Ardhansh to sit in the backseat and having no option Yana sat with him only to get annoyed when he kept his head on her chest and clung to her body.

Maya sat on the passenger seat holding her sleeping son in her arms and Rakesh in the driving seat.

"I hate you.....you..... didn't let me.....suck," he mumbled near her ear biting and sucking it.

"I hate you too," Yana replied in a low voice.

Maya and Rakesh both heard their conversation, but both of them kept quiet not wanting to meddle between husband and wife.

She held his head near her chest when he closed his eyes leaving his whole body loose and she kept stroking his hairs.

She wondered how he would have reacted if he was sober, of course hurting her cruelly for the biggest thing she hid from him.

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