Rough (tumblr)

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"I can't stand you! I don't want to stay in a room with you!" You shouted, shoving him away from you.

"I'm just as angry as you! I don't know how the hell this happened!" Draco snapped, pushing past you into your shared hotel room.

You had gone on vacation to America with some of your schoolmates, and due to a mix up in the planning, you and Draco had ended up in the same hotel room. To make matters worse, the room only had one bed.

Draco was your sworn enemy since first year. He'd embarrassed you in front of the Weasley twins, the boys you had a crush on, and you'd retaliated by tainting the love potion he gave to Pansy. It had started seven years of fighting and backbiting, the two of you always at each other's throats and never seeing eye to eye.

It had become second nature to fight with Draco. Screaming matches with him lit a specific fire in your belly— different from anything else. It burned through you, igniting every nerve in your body. You thought it was anger, though it proved to be more when nothing satiated the rage, and your mind began to wander.

The electrically charged energy between you was hard to ignore. It was like a live wire, blazing everything in its wake, or an oil spill, turning everything flammable.


"Malfoy-" you started, but you were cut off by his sharp glare.

"I was going to suggest that we change quickly and meet the others in the lobby. I was going to ask if I could use the loo, but I was going to give you the courtesy of offering it first," you hissed, and he shook his head.

"Go, it's fine."

You stepped into the bathroom, closing the door. You were desperate for some distance from Draco. You freshened up in the mirror, not taking too long so you didn't get him even more agitated than he already was.

"What are we going to do about-?"

"We're going to worry about it when the time comes," you interrupted, glancing at the one bed.

The bathroom door slammed shut, leaving you alone in the small room. There wasn't a couch— and the chair simply wasn't adequate. Ultimately, you both knew the two of you were going to end up in bed together that night, whether you liked it or not.

A deep sigh left your lips, and you grabbed your bag, preparing to meet your friends downstairs. Draco locked the door behind the two of you, and the elevator ride was painfully silent.


"My two favorite people. Sorry about the room situation," Theo grinned, opening his arms as you walked up to him.

You stepped into his chest, letting tattooed limbs wrap around you. He kissed the top of your head, grinning into your hair.

"If Malfoy's mean to you, you just let me know, okay? I'll take care of him," Theo promised you, finally getting you to giggle.

"Maybe tell her not to be a right bi-"

"Draco, baby, try a little harder," Theo hummed, kissing Malfoy's cheek before getting pushed off. You laughed at them.

Seven years, and you still wondered how it was possible for Theo– the sweetest boy in the world, to be best friends with Draco Malfoy– the devil's incarnate.

"Come on, we'll get breakfast then catch the ferry," Cedric said, handing out ferry passes to your group: Draco, Theo, Blaise, Fred, George, Hermione, Ginny, Pansy, Cedric, and you.

Hermione took your hand, pulling you from the Slytherin boys.

"It's going to be fun. And besides, we'll only be sleeping in the rooms. It's not a problem," Hermione assured you, the girls walking ahead of the others.

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