A Twist of Fate

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HEY GUYS! I'm writing a new story and probably discontinuing my other 2 since no one seems to have interest in them, but if you want me to continue, then review! But anyway, enjoy the first chapter, I plan to have around 10-13 chapters. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters and I only own the plot.

Title: Complete

Pairings: Main NejiTen Minor ShikaTema SasuSaku NaruHina KibaIno

AU fic- Alternate Universe

Summary: Tenten has an easy life. She's 26 and owns a small cafe in the center of town. What happens when Neji, an arrogant and conceited wealthy corporation owner, stumbles into her shop? Will Tenten's life ever be the same again?

Chapter 1: A Twist of Fate

Tenten's POV

The chime jingles as I unlock the door to my cafe. I sigh when I finally get inside, letting the warm interior calm me. At 26, I own a successful cafe in Konoha. My life is perfect, except for the fact that I'm single, but who needs boys when you have amazing best friends? But they've really been egging me on lately. It's always, "Oh Tenten I'm sorry, but Shika and I have to go somewhere," or "Sasuke and I have to watch the kids, sorry!" Sigh, my friends all have boyfriends and husbands and I'm living with my brother. What a life.

I make my way behind the counter into the break room, where I set down my purse and tie on my apron. I start to heat up the ovens and stoves, getting ready to make the special treats of the day. 30 minutes later my friend and coworker, Ino, walks in. "Hey Tenten! Are you ready to rock another day?" Why is she so energetic? It's 7:30! "Yeah Ino, start mixing the batter and I'll put this batch in. I open the oven and set 3 trays of our specialty Kunoichi Cookies inside. They're delightful, made by my friend Hinata and I when Sakura got into a fight with Sasuke. They have a soft outside with milk and white chocolate chips, with bits of almond inside, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. They're perfect for a tasty snack, and for breakups. I sit at one of the tables and pull out my book as I wait for the cookies. Minutes later, Ino puts her batch in the oven as well and takes a seat beside me. I set down my book, knowing that she is going to pester me.

"So Tenten, seen any cute guys lately?" And.... it starts. "No Ino. For the hundredth time, I am not in the mood to be dating." "But Tenten! You're the only one who hasn't had a boyfriend since whats-his-face broke up with you!" "For, the record, I've been on dates since Kankuro and I broke up." "Yeah, but they were all dates! Not an actual boyfriend!" I was about to retort again as I hear the alarm of the oven. Ah, saved. I hurry and make my way to the oven, grabbing my mitts as Ino follows close behind. We each take a piping bag and start to intricately frost the cookies. As we finish, we set to cookies behind the glass display case. We finish up the last few as the clock turns 8, and I make my way to the door to switch on our 'OPEN' sign. A few minutes later, customers start coming in, ready for some breakfast and morning coffee. As Ino takes orders, I make the coffees and distribute the cookies. After the morning rush is over, I get a chance to finally take a seat, until I hear the chime again, and I leave my seat, ready to take their order since Ino is on break. I walk over to the table the customer is sitting at. He's male, around my age, and smoking hot. Oops, did I just think that? "Hello, welcome to Flora Cafe, may I take your order?" He looks up from the menu, and our eyes meet. He has milky white eyes, like Hinata, but his eyes are more lavender. I feel myself staring before I finally realize who he is. He's the famous corporation owner, Neji. "Oh, you're-" "Yes I know perfectly who I am, and I don't need fangirls. I would like a medium soy latte and make it quick. I have places to be." Wow. Rude. I force myself to smile as I reply, "Of course, be right back." Ugh, when's Ino when you need her? Probably giggling in the break room and texting her boyfriend.

I finish the coffee and take it to Neji, and he doesn't give me a second glance. "Here you are sir, that will be $2.15." He hands me $10 dollars, and before I can get change, he stands up, ready to leave. "Wait sir, let me get your change." He gives me a glance before snorting. "I don't need it. You probably do more than me, considering the fact that you're working in a cafe. Probably can't even afford a new outfit." I fume with anger. He's really pushing it. "Ok I don't care who you are but I will not allow you to come in here and start insulting me! If you don't like it, leave and never coming back." "He smirks at me before walking closer. "Oh, feisty are we? I like that." He gets close to the point where our noses are almost touching. My cheeks redden as I realize how close he is. "I'm coming back, whether you like it or not." He kisses my cheek as I stand there, stunned. Then I realize what he did. "UGH! I can't believe him!" This is the point when Ino comes out. She sees me standing there, $10 bill in hand and fuming. "What did I miss?" she asks innocently. I glare at her before I start walking. "Look after the shop, I'm going for a walk." She stands there with a puzzled expressing. "Ok?" I walk out of the shop, and start walking to the park. I go to one of the tables and sit, trying to calm down.

"Fancy seeing you here, eh feisty-pants?" I know that voice. I stand up and turn around. "You! How dare you insult me, kiss me, and walk out like it's nothing?" "Is there a problem? I thought you enjoyed it!" I'm fuming with anger as I attempt to walk away, but he grabs my arm. "Hey, I'm sorry ok? I didn't know what to do and I thought you were interesting. It's not everyday you meet someone that talks to me like that. I'm Neji, and you are?" "Gone." was my reply before I break into a run, back to my shop. It helps being a track star in high school. I turn around, and luckily he's not following. I enter the shop ignoring Ino's questions and head to the breakroom. What has happened to my life in just 3 hours?

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