Big splash, Bigger fish

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Lumine POV

It's a chilly night out in Starfell Valley, gentle winds caressing my surroundings allowing the grass to sway along with its song. Paimon is out cold, finally, after blabbering about "being so hungry I could eat horse !". Reliable as she is when it comes to information about the world, she's equally annoying (wouldn't have it any other way though).

Drifting my eyes to the night sky, it's somewhat cloudy with a couple of stars here and there, not enough to see a constellation though. It's still boggles my mind knowing that every single person in Teyvat had their own constellation, talk about individualism !

Not long after my thought finishes, a meteor shower starts up slowly.

The stunning streaks of blue.
The amazing speed.
The seemingly uniform amount of 9 blue ones.

The singular fiery one headed straight for the ocean.



"WHAVSLA WHAT WAS THAT !" Paimon shouts incredulously.

"You tell me man..." I say shrugging my shoulders, cause to be honest, I really don't wanna know what it can be if made THAT loud of a noise, pretty sure you could hear that from the city !

"We should check it out ! It could be some sort of treasure that we could sell !" Paimon says tapping her fingertips together greedily.

She has a point actually...

"Ugh fine, but you owe me lunch tomorrow !" I scurry off before the rodent can reply.

Better be worth it...

??? POV


Fuckin hell...


How did I even get in water ? I was in the Elders Recess...

Looking around, I'm on a beach now with a forest close by. No place I can recognise either-

Wait, where's my weapon ?!

Not a single moment passes before my Greatsword appears before me, thudding heavily against the sand with golden light fading from it.

That's not... that's not right at all...

Seeing no danger, to stand up as slowly as possible as to not provoke anything internally, only stumbling slightly with the help of my weapon.
I need to find a place I can sleep, anything will do cause my everything right now aches-

"HEY ARE YOU OK ?!" A voice from my left shouts. I look over to see a blonde woman, white dress that stops at her mid thigh cascading downwards being her with knee high white boots to match. One would say she looks like royalty.

I look to her side and see... is that a floating a baby ?

She doesn't seem to be a threat even if she's somewhat muscular, some scars showing faintly along revealed skin. So she's working royalty, quite respectable.

"Yeah I'm fine ! I've had heavier hits before and faired better." I tell a white lie straight through my teeth.

Narrator POV

As Lumine approaches the figure she wonders how they could've possibly swam to shore with how bulky they are. Maybe they re-equipped their armour before she got there ? No, she would've seen it happen, and they definitely didn't swim back to get it...

So how did they get here in the first place ?

She notices another thing, not only is this character bulky, they're tall, at least half a head taller than her maybe slightly more. They could even rival Itto if they wanted !

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