Chapter 19

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31 Dec,2015

It's been a week or so when I last tried to talk to Advik. My mission to confess to him spoiled and somehow I ended up meeting Ashutosh on that day.

Ashutosh isn't that bad how the people claim him to be, I mean he is definitely a flirt but I don't think he is bad but at the end of the day you never know how someone is without knowing them. And if the rumors about him is true then I think I should stay away from that guy like very very far away so I don't get into another trouble.

Sighing I looked at my chai which has turned cold by now. Then I looked towards the kitchen where I saw Kanvi looking through the ingredients she might need for cooking today.

Today is new year's Eve and as per my and Kanvi's tradition we are going to celebrate today with our parents, who are going to join us by the evening.

Thinking of tradition I got yet another bouquet today. I wish I could ask for someone's help for this. I mean Kanvi is here and if I tell her father he will definitely find out who is behind all these bouquets.

But if I tell him that means I have to tell my father as well which I don't wanna do because he would be really concerned if he get to know about this.

"Oye Maharani Victoria humari madad karne ka irada hai ki nahi tumhara?" I saw Kanvi glaring at me from the kitchen.

"Coming Chef" I said and got up from my place. Walking towards her I looked at the ingredients which were lying on our small kitchen island.

"So aaj kya banane wale hai hum chef?" I asked her who was scrolling through YouTube videos in search of some good recipes.

"Yaar mujhe samajh nahi aa raha hai kya kare" she pouted and looked at me.

"Biryani banaye?" I asked.


And got a straight rejection.




"Girl shut up, how are we even going to make sushi. None of us have ever tried making it" Kanvi said sighing.



"Then what?"

"Let's order something or you know what let's go out and buy some food" she said and ran off to her room.

"Sure" I said basically to myself cuz my roommate ran off to her room.


"So what are the dishes we are going to buy?" I asked Kanvi who was looking at the Pani-puri stall like it's her first love. Well it is but I don't think I need to explain it.

"Heard Ranveer Singh is getting married" I said looking at the stall as well.

"WHAT???" Kanvi held my shoulders and vigorously shook them.

Oh I forgot to mention that Kanvi loves Ranveer Singh like really really really love him. I don't know what she finds good in him but who am I too judge. I mean I am also in love with Chris Evans so.

"NO HE IS NOT????" She shouted again and the people passing by looked towards us possibly thinking that we are lost our mind or something.

"No he is not" I said.

She dramatically pressed her hand on her heart and said " I almost got a heart attack don't joke around like this you mad woman."

"What are you guys talking about?" a voice came from behind me and I turned around to look at the person.

And guess who was standing infront of me.

If you guys guessed Advik congratulations you are right.

Or if you guessed Ashutosh then congrats as well because he is standing infront of me smiling like an ange- no no like a man yes like a man. At this rate even I don't know what I am saying.

"Hii kitten we met again" Ashutosh said passing me that deadly smile of his. I would have fallen in love with him if I wasn't in love with his brother.

"Do you know them?"  Advik asked Ashutosh.

"Well this is kitten" he said pointing at me "and that is a wild kitten" he said pointing at Kanvi who looked ready to kill Ashutosh for calling her that.

If looks could kill Ashutosh would have died a while ago.

"Can we just leave?" Kanvi nudged me and I nodded.

"Where are you guys going?" Ashutosh asked looking at Kanvi who didn't even look at him and was busy staring at the stall behind Ashutosh.

"We haven't actually decided" I said smiling a little at him.

"Okay let's go we had enough chit chat with these guys" Kanvi said and dragged me towards the stall.

"Do you mind if we join?" Ashutosh shouted.

"Yes we do" Kanvi shouted back.

I am really sorry for making you people wait so long. And this chapter is a little short as well sorry for that too.

I will post regularly after 20th.

Hope you guys liked the chapter.

Thank you ⭐

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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