Chapter 9

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The next morning, I flicker my eyes open to daylight and to be all sorts of honest here, I was so sleepy since the annoying sounds got louder outside during the night.

"Shit," I get up and head for the en suite with my toiletries in hand to freshen myself for the day. The en suite was a very neat one but heck what am I even saying; everything in this house was freakishly neat. Spotless white tiles graced the walls and floor then a full length mirror and white cabinets aligned on the wall. I know I came in here last night but its different in the morning because I can see everything better and clearer.

"I wonder if she's awake now?" I heard Remmie ask from outside the bedroom door...ok maybe this superhearing has perks.

"I'm thinking she is. Yesterday when I talked to her, I accidentally tapped into her memories...she's a morning person,"I'm guessing that is Macy.

"Even though she is, no one's first night is sweet dreams and rainbows. Remember that her senses are even more heightened at night and she's untrained so I'm sure she had it rough," Is it me or eavesdropping is not as fun as it seems. I first put my toiletries on the counter and got out to find them leaving.

"Morning guys,"vI didn't intend for that to come out as groggy but hey when does my body ever listen to me?

"Hi girl how was your night?" Remmie asked.

"Disturbing but fine," I forgot to mention nauseating because of someone's barging into my room and then me later touching myself at the thought of him after he left...ok I take the fine part back.

"Ok then good to hear, you're starting your training today after breakfast so go finish up and Liv will drop your costume off,"

Training...Breakfast...Costume...Liv wait ,"who is Liv?"

"Umm Olivia," Macy responded like it was that obvious...ok it was but when did I get dumb, I thought even my wisdom is supposed to be heightening with these senses.

"Ohhhhh..okay then see you in a jiffy," I quickly and immediately went back to my shower plans.

"Ah good morning Raven, take a seat take a seat...these croissants aren't going to eat themselves," Ken said as I finally made it downstairs. Keyword being 'finally'.

Why you may ask...ok this is what happened five minutes ago after I showered.

I was getting into my black leather jumpsuit  and sneakers and putting my hair up in a ponytail when it suddenly hit me. Caden's telepathetic.

Umm yeah we all know that

Shut up conscious that is not my point, my point is he definitely heard me scream and mourn his name as I touched myself...heck he could've even seen me; that guy is the best creeper I know and trust me I have seen creepers.

Should I go?

Should I not?

Will he expose me?

Will he not? ok I think this one's quite possible since humiliating me is definitely Caden's forte.

Ugh this is infuriating!

So yeah after those five minutes, I managed to make my mind up and get downstairs for breakfast and here we are.

"So Raven how was your night?" Ella asked.

"It was quite eventful," I murmured.

"Well that is a gross understatement, don't you think?" the egomaniac finally spoke. "I mean given your very loud thoughts and all," He said the last part with a stupid smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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