Oikawa x Reader PART 1? ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

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Oikawa x Reader

"I only want you."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

You knew oikawa for a good while, you guys never talked a lot tho. All you did was admire him from afar. Watching all his games and congratulating him after even tho its been the 100th time a girl congratulated him. You never wanted to fall for a popular guy, you'd always get hurt by them. First of all your looks were rather average, how the hell would you have a chance with the OIKAWA TOORU. AKA, the prince of the court. That's like winning the lottery.. But for some reason other than oikawa's charming looks something about him sparked in you. The only thing you could do is grasp the delusion that you had a chance with him.

One day, Oikawa went on a battle with shiratorizawa.. You watched the gameplay attentively but unfortunetly you were next to those annoying fangirls of oikwa screaming his name every time he served or received the ball. You covered your ears in annoyance to their loud squeals that could cause tinnitus to anyone in a 5 meter range from them. Then suddenly your attention came back as it was oikawas time to spike the ball! It was only one set left till shiratorizawa would win. When oikawa spiked the ball it got blocked by the massive ushijima wakatoshi the carry of the team of shiratorizawa. Captain against captain. As soon as the ball dropped to the floor everything in oikawas vision seemed to be in slow motion as he tried to get the ball but knew he couldn't. After an eternity of silence, the aoba johsai cheerleading squad going quiet. The speakers announce the victory of shiratorizawa.

The girls sighed in disappointed as I wanted to see Oikawas expression but he was facing the opposite direction as me so I couldn't see his face, but judging by the way he was stuck in place along with his other members I can tell he was definetley not okay. I wish I was close with him enough to cheer him up. My intrusive thoughts are begging me to jump off the seat even tho I would probably break 2-5 bones if I landed on the court. As I watched the team freeze and the team of wakatoshi celebrating. When oikawa finally turned around he had such a cold expression, as if he was drained from top to bottom. I was probably one of the only people left on the court watching him as everyone left. I couldn't help but still stay and observe oikawa.

Suddenly someone spotted me and said "hey! Go home!" a random janitor said as I awoke from my own world, and quickly fixed my things but more in a slow manner trying to stay a bitttttt longer. After a while I saw the whole team leave the court as I saw no oikawa on sight. I scanned around as I tried to look for him as I couldn't.. When they all left I saw some volleyballs and practiced and played with some of them.. Suddenly the lights of the court shut off. I felt a shiver run down my back since im scared of the dark. The only light available that's not keeping the court picth black is the moons light illuminating from the windows. As I grabbed my phone and used flash.. suddenly I saw something move in the lockers room, or more like the door was slightly open. It was still dark but I gathered my faith and slowly went up to the locker rooms door, I listened first and heared someone sniffing and sobbing. I realized it was oikawa! You slowly entered the room scanning around and saw him with his head against a locker, you saw this pitiful scene as you watched him hold his knees tightly and spat curses at himself. You knocked gently and shakingly at the door.. "a-are you okay?" Oikawa shivered at the sudden and unfamiliar voice. As he turned to look at me but could not see my face properly due to the darkness. "go away." He said coldly looking away. But something inside me did not want me to go away. As I stepped close enough and knelt down beside him. Though we both could not see eachother faces clearly it was obvious we were getting comforted by eachothers presence. "you did great." I muttered. Then he hit his fist in the locker suddenly catching me by surprise

"how was that anything but great?! Why cant.. I beat ushijima?!" he said gripping his hair in frustration hurting himself. Then I stood up infront of him and held his hands that were gripping his hairlocks.. "I don't care what you say, Im proud of you, were all proud of you." I said as I felt his hands get loose slightly from gripping his hair "w-why cant I beat him..?" he said as he leaned forward a bit crying on my shoulder. As I pat his back gently and tried to sooth him. "You gave your absolute best, The most talented people only give a dime of what they got. But you, gave everything you had to the match. That creates persistence and effort! Which makes talent." I said as I continued to pat his back "talent is something you grow, and technique is what you polish." He remained silent as he cried on my shoulder. Then he wrapped his arms around me tightly as I smiled softly "Were always not meant to win everytime, And just so you know it dosent matter if you beat this or that. You're the person the team looks up to, not ushijima, or anyone. You're the one we want as our captain, setter, and member of this community." I said meaning every word I said as if he was gonna disappear from me. As I felt him hold his breath to attempt to stop him from crying. And I slowly reached out to him a hankerchief from my pocket and gave it to him "you can use this. I promise, it has wiped many tears." I said softly. Oikawa had almost no words to say,

As he was so curious to who I was, he couldn't see my face properly yet because of how dark it was. But the only thing he knew was my voice and gentle touch. As he grabbed the piece of clothe and wiped his tears with it. "thank you, y/n." he said, which caught me by surprise "h-how did you know?!" he chuckled "I see you at every game, and plus your in my class. And I just guessed your name, I cant believe I got it right!" He said slowly going back to his annoying personality.. as I blushed even more.. Maybe this could be the start of our journey together?..

"Its nice to meet you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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