Chapter 1

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Being the bastard daughter of the king of Adarlan has never been easy, especially being half fae. The only reason why my father ever kept me around was because the believed me to have no magic, my mother said that I must never let anyone l know of my magic . So I've kept it secret for years until recent months.

Close the wyrdmark once I've finished" Aelin says to Rowan, his nod is his only answer, as Aelin puts the wyrdstones in her arm and we're transportded to a place thats not a place and we begin fordging the lock...

"We can go home " I say with a smile on my face Aelin looks at me with a smile as big as mine " Lets go home" then we begin falling through the worlds , but we are falling to fast and as we see the world their are two fae standnig on a balcony we though out our arms as to signal them, thats when I feel my hand loose its grip on Aelins then I'm falling into the world, I hear Aeiln shout my name but its to late, she disappears into the next world.

I'm tumbling down from the sky, thinking this would be my end when I feel someone catch me , I open my eyes and look up to see who had caught me and see the man from the balcony, he's speaking to me but I don't here a word he is saying over the roaring of the wind.

As we land on the balcony , I take a moment to catch my breath when the man speaks to me in a language I've never heard, my confusion must have shown on my face because he stopped and looked to the female. I then spoke to them in the old language " Where am I ? " the male looked at me and said in the old language " You are in Velaris the city of starlight, who are you? "

" I'm y/n , can you help me get back to my please? " he looked towards the female again and spoke to her before answering " Hello y/n my name is Rhysand, will you please follow me and meet some of m people who might be able to help you"

I follow the two inside to what looke like an office " Please sit down, the others will be here shortly" the male Rhysand said, I took a seat on the lovely couch. There was a Knock on the door when two winged males walked in and a female with short black hair, as I looked at the males one was handsome in a rough way and the other male.....he was the most beautiful male I've had ever seen, he had shadows around him, they almost seemed alive.

the male said in the old language " Y/n this is Amren she is the most likely to help you home and these are Cassian and Azriel " Amren sad to me " Where are you from girl ? " "Erilea" I reply, I look at the male Azriel and see that he is already looking at me with some emotion in his eyes that i cant place. " It will take some time to find a way for you to get back home in the mean time Azriel will take you to a room here in the House of wind, where you may stay while we try and find a way home for you, we will have dinner soon Azriel will come by and help you to the dinning room" "Thank you for your kindness and willingness to help"

Azriel leads me to a room that will be my bedroom for the time being. ''This will be your room, my room is right across if you need anything''  I look around the room, its cozy theres a big bed in the middle of the room with creamy white sheets, their is big floor to celling windows, there is a door on the other side of the room which leads to a bathroom. '' There should be some clean clothes in the dresser over their and the bathroom is stocked with all the bathing things you'd need, I'll stop by later to take you to dinner'' I turn to him ''My Azriel I am here for about half an hour and you're already taking me to dinner'' I say with a sly grin on my face, he looks at me with shock clear on his face and stumbles with his words ''No, no, th-thats not what  I meant, I'll come and-'' I laugh and say ''I know what you meant I was just pulling your leg'' he looks at me again and huffs a laugh '' I'll leave you to your bath''

I walk over to the dresser to see what cloths I could get, I choose a white with blue flower dress that looks comfortable,  and can't help but think of how the blue looks likes Dorians eyes, tears fill my eyes, how long will I stay here in this unknown world with these people , I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt a tear drop on my arm. I wipe away my tears and head for the bath room.

I emerge from the bath room feeling slightly better after being clean and having a good cry, I didn't know exactly when dinner would be served so I decided to have a looked around what was to be my room, a bookshelf in the corner of the room caught my eye,  was running my hand along the titles that I couldn't read when someone clears their throat behind me, I turn quickly my magic rising in me, ''I didn't mean to scare you'' Azriel apologizes, he's standing by the door ''It's alright, I didn't hear you knock or enter? '' he looks at me with that same look from earlier '' What '' I  ask '' Nothing , it's nothing, come lets go to dinner and introduce you to the rest of our court''

My palms begin to sweat as we walk to the dinning room, nervous to meet these people, I can't help but wonder whats going on back home, is Aelin alright did she find her way back ? is Dorian alright? did they make it in time to save Terssasn? will I ever see any of them again? ''I can hear you thinking, I can promise you as crazy as these people may be we will not harm you unless you prove to be a threat'' I look out the corner of my eye towards Azriel  and give him a tight lipped smile '' that was not at all what I was thinking but thanks for the input'' we enter the dinning room and Rhysand, Cassan, Amren and the female from earlier are already seated, then there is three new females at the table as well one sharp looking female sitting next to Cassian and the female sitting next to her looked like a softer version of the sharp female, sisters possiblely, and then there was the third female wearing a red gown.

Azriel guides me to a seat and pulls out the chair next to mine, '' know that we are all here let me introduce you to my people, this is my mate Feyre and those are her sisters Nesta ( the sharp one) and Elain ( the soft one, who is glaring at me from across the table) and my cousin Morrigan . Everyone this is Y/n'' I smile at them and give an awkward  wave to them ''It's nice to meet you all''

After the introductions where done food just appeared  out of thin air, my shock must have shown on my face because Cassian says with a grin on his face '' what they don't have magic where your from? '' I look at him with shock still in my voice '' we do have magic we're I'm from it's just...I've never seen things just appear from thin air'' ''They just come from thin air it was just simply moved from the kitchen to the table'' Rhysand says amusement  shinning in his face.

As dinner comes to end I can't help but feel as Elain has a problem with me, she has been giving me dirty looks the whole night, as I look  over at her now she is whispering something to Nesta who looks me up and down, with a sneer on her face, I look away quickly, and Azriel bumps me with his elbow , I look at him and he leans in to whisper '' if you wish to leave you may just ask and I am more then happy to take you back to your room'' I nod slowly and rise from my seat '' thank you for the dinner I would like to go back to my room and rest'' Rhysand looks  at me and gives a gentle smile of course, tomorrow I'll have Az come by your room so that we may start our course of finding you a way home''

As we walk back to my room Azriel is quiet, and I let curiosity win over me'' what are these shadows around you?'' he looks shocked at my question but answers my question '' they are... like companions they also help me with my job.'' ''oh, I like them.'' and as i say that one breaks away and comes close to my face and it almost looks like it tilts it head in curiosity , I giggle and it goes around my neck before returning to Azriel, ''they're adorable'' he looks at me with a soft smile and says ''we're here'' he opens my door for me and as I go in I turn to say goodnight when I bump right into his muscled chest, ''oh I'm so sorry I-'' I stopped talking as I look at him in the eye and my breath was knocked right out of me, he looks down at me with his mouth slightly parted, his warm breath hits my face and I feel myself heat up, we slowly start to lean in and I close my eyes when a voice breaks the moment and we pull away from eachother to see who it was, Elain stands a few feet from us with a innocent look on her face and speaks in her language towards Azriel. He looks back at me and says '' I.. I'll see you tomorrow morning'' its takes me a minute to reply ''yes, yes uhm right I'll see you tomorrow''

As I enter my room I groan, what was I thinking, I was just about to kiss him, this man who I barely know, I run my hands over my face and head to the dresser to look for some thing to sleep in. As I climb into my bed I can't help but think of that almost kiss with Azriel.

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