Chapter 2

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''Mamma ! Mamma! Come look what I just did! '' my mother's head pokes up from the berry bush she was currently picking from a frown present on her face ''Y/n my baby there is no need to shout, you'll scare of the little folk'' my mother scolds me as she walks towards where I am currently sitting by the river '' Now what is you wanted to show me ? ''  l left up my hand and open my palm, my tongue sticks  out in concentration, then in my palm appears a cluster of stars, I grin up as my mother , filled with joy about what I can do, but as I look in my mothers face my grin falls and my excitement slowly turns into confusion  '' Did I do something wrong Mamma ?'' my mother looks me in the eye ''Y/n you must promise to never show or even tell anyone of this , do you understand me? Especial not your father. ''  ''But why? it's magic you have magic and so the fae and they do it. why can't-'' ''Because their are really bad people right now ,who will come and take you away from me if they so you must promise to never show anyone your magic alright?" '' I promise Mamma''

I wake from my memory with a groan, I still remember that day, the fear in my mother's eyes as she realized that her daughter had magic, a very special and rare magic. I lift my palms together and summon the stars to my palms and a soft smile graces my face, I close my hands and make the stars disappear , I feel an old ache in my heart at the memory of my mother and how she had taught me in secret in our mountain home how to wield my magic and keep it hidden.

I stand up and head to the dresser to find something to wear when I find my outfit I wore when I fell into this world washed and clean, so i head to the bathroom and changed. As I finished  braiding my hair out of my face there is a knock at the door and I hear Azriel's voice say '' I'm here to take you to Amren's apartment , she had a look last night and she found some books that may help you'' I feel some relief rising, I might be able to go home soon '' I'm coming'' as I open the door Azriel is waiting , he has a soft smile on his face , his hair looks like he has just been flying and I cant help but admire his face , how the morning light hits his eyes where I can see flecks of gold, he is looking at me to and I can a slight blush creep on my face as I look away. Azriel clears his throat '' We will have to fly to the apartment ,  will carry you-'' ''Fly?!'' I ask in shock ''Yes fly unless you want to walk 10 000 steps...'' I look at him my mouth slightly parted '' I think flying sounds better'' he gives me a crooked smile and leads me to a balcony ''alright I'm going to put one arm under your knees and the other around your back'' he look at me as if asking permission I give him a small nod as he lifts me in his arms and shots off into the sky.

I give off a scream as I wrap my arms around his neck and burry my face their,  feel more then hear him laugh, '' it's alright I won't drop you, look'' I feel him say into my ear and as I slowly take my head away from his neck my breath taken from me, the city under us looks so beautiful , I don't know where to look. ''. The rest of the flight is quiet as I take in the city, it seems so peaceful that I wonder f we will have such peacefulness back home or if it still stands if Erawan has taken it already.

Azriel lands in front of a building and sets me down, and leads the way in. When we enter Amrens attic apartment and, it's a mess. there are things lying everywhere and the bed looks as if it hasn't been made since the dawn of time. ''It's always like this'' Azriel whispers in my ear, I look at him from the corner of my eye and give him a nervous huff of breath.

''So girl how is it that you came here to our world? '' I look at Amren who is sitting cross legged on a pillow by a low lying table ''We used wyrdkeys and then we jumped through a door and we started falling through different worlds and then I ended up falling into this world and now I'm here'' Amren looks at me and hums, '' well then make yourself usefull and start looking through these books , they are all I could find about world travel, and you can return to your master'' she says towards Azriel who only glares at her before leavng.

I look at the books lying on the table and pick one up that looks like one my mother had, as I start to read through it a memory comes up in my head.

''You don't understand the power this book holds, I can't just let you take.'' It was the first time in months that my father came to visit and this book had caught his attention ''  I promise no one will read it but me Emalyn.'' my mother has her no nonsense face on and replies with a stern ''no'' my father was about to argue when he catches a glimpse of me from behind the door '' sneaking and listening to others conversations are we my little star'' he looks and me and opens his arms for me.

As I continue reading a chapter tittle catches my eye '' WORLD WALKING''  and as I read the chapter is talks about a fae Elder named Elias, who had the magic to open up a portal to other worlds, he was the one who had brought fae to other worlds, with this magic oh his, on the next page there was a picture of him opening a portal with these signs that looked almost like wyrd marks but also so very different. '' I think I might have found something, what do you know of this Elder Fae Elias? '' Amren looks up from her own book and says '' Elias is mostly a children's bed time story, that chapter you just read is the Adult version of the story'' '' could it not be true ? '' '' No, for many people have tried and drawn those marks of his and nothing has happened, as I've said it's a children's bed time story, I don't even remember bringing that book with me. Don't waste your time with that book''

As the day goes by we find nothing that would be able to help me home. The door opens and in comes Azriel '' Any luck ? '' he only gets two heads shaking as his answer. '' we should perhaps send a letter to Helion asking if he could not help us'' Amren says to Azriel, he nods and over a hand to me, I take it and stretch out. ''I will ask Rhys if he could send a letter to Helion tonight, good night Amren'' he says as he turns and I give the female a wave goodbye and head with Azriel to the House Of Wind.

We had dinner and all went to our own rooms for the night, as I sit in the bath  I help but think back about the book and what my mother said about it. My mother had always said to me that I was never to touch any of those books she had in her bed room unless of an emergency, and when she died that night magic went away those books where no longer on her shelf and when I asked my father about them he said it was for 13 year old girls to worry about and I never had the nerve to ask about them again, though now I wonder if it was Erawan who had taken the books in hopes to use those marks instead of the wyrdkeys.

As I get out from the bath and get dressed I find myself walking to the kitchen for a snack but as I enter I see Azriel already there eating a cupcake '' oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to disturb your cupcake eating'' Azriel looks at me and says '' it's alright, you may join if you'd like'' he holds out a cupcake to me, I smile and take the cupcake from him ''Thank you'' we eat our cupcakes in a comfortable silence.

''You have some icing on your lip'' Azriel breaks the silence I wipe at my lips and look at him '' did I get it? '' he huffs a laugh and lifts his thumb to my mouth '' no here let me'' he swipes his thumb over my lip, his eyes are fixed on my lips as he continues to run his thumb along them. Hs eyes lift to mine as he leans in slowly, he brushes his lips against mine in question, my eyes flutter shut as I lean in , the kiss is soft and gentle, his hand goes and cups my jaw and I feel his tongue against my lips asking for permission,  I grant him access and the kiss gets heated, he pulls back only to start a trail of kisses down my neck and as he kisses where my neck meets my shoulder I release a sound I've never made before and left m hands to his hair. He says against my skin ''you make such beautiful noises I can't wait to hear-'' then there was a sound of a plate crashing to the floor, I gasp , feeling embaressed to be caught in such position, I can feel the blush rising from my neck up to my face, my lips still swollen from the kissing.

It's Elain standing at the door a smashed plate at her feet ''Oh I'm so sorry for interrupting , I was just brining this plate back, I'll leave you two know'' as she leaves out the door the broken plate disappears. I turn back to Azriel, his lips are swollen just as mine, his hair messy from my hands '' it's getting late, we should go to bed, I have to get up early to help with training '' ''right yes of course , can I be present during training, I need to keep in shape '' Azriel looks at me blush evident on his cheek '' You are more then welcomes to join training, I'll get you early tomorrow before training so that you may get ready'' and with that he leaves the kitchen.

My dreams that night was filled with the story of Elias and his marks to travel worlds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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