Well Arranged... (Ft. BTS SUGA & Kashmira Pardeshi)

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Jeon Seo-Jun -

Jeon Seo-Jun -

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Mugdha Joshi-


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Usually when a couple with different nationalities is talked about, it is assumed that the two had a love marriage, which is true to some extent.

But that was not the case with Seo-Jun and Mugdha. The brahmins of South Asia are usually famous for following the strict rule of doing marriage in the same caste, let alone seeing someone from different caste or nationality.

But all these norms were never applied on this case. Neither the Joshi family of India opposed the international matrimony of the family nor it was a love marriage. The union of the two souls was the outcome of a promise long made between the two families, plus the marriage further strengthened the base of the two companies, so why not.

Seo-Jun wanted nothing more than being under the good books of his father hence he straightway agreed whereas Mugdha felt it to be the great opportunity of going for higher studies i.e. PhD in Ancient Indian History and Ancient Korean History, hence it was sort of a win-win situation for both of them. They had their wedding in traditional Sanatan way and just after few days the couple moved to South Korea.

The famous Gaya city felt beautiful to her. It was culturally rich, different from Banaras, but had the same vibe overall. Seo-Jun didn't had time for looking at the city as he was appointed as the head of the new branch of the Jeon Company and he had already decided to give his best.

The apartment they lived in was a cute 2-BHK house.

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