Chapter 14 - The Painting

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The Duke silently closed the door behind him—but not before stealing one final glance at Elizabeth as she hugged the children. He made his way back to his office, half-expecting Alistair would be waiting for him, only to recall it was his day of rest when he didn't see him anywhere.

All alone in his office, the Duke locked the door. He approached his bookshelf and pulled a book, triggering the shelf to reveal a hidden passageway. A tiny flame flickered to life in his palm, casting a faint light on the descending staircase leading to a weathered wooden door—an oddity within the Duke's grand castle.

With his other hand, the Duke fashioned a key, entered the room, and tossed the fire into the fireplace to dispel the cold. The chamber was cramped and windowless, cluttered with papers scattered across his desk, chair, and a black couch. An array of blades, each with its own story, adorned the walls, and half-empty armor stands, remnants of past projects, stood in the corners.

Clearing off the papers cluttering his chair, the Duke settled down and carefully removed his mask, placing it on the only open spot on the desk. The Duke, basking in the rare moment to unwind, allowed himself to get lost in his thoughts.

In doing so, his eyelids grew heavy, his breathing slowed, and sleep began to call his name. His mind and guard were both quickly shutting down, and just as he was a moment away from falling asleep, the door slammed open, and she came crashing in.

In the glint of a sword hanging on the wall, the Duke saw her standing at the door, and she saw him—and my eyes! The Duke quickly donned his mask, grabbed a bucket, and rushed to her as she collapsed to her knees.

"This is exactly why I keep telling you not to come in here, Lilith!" the Duke yelled while handing her the bucket.

"I'm perfectly fine—" Lilith began, then puked into the bucket. "See? No blood this time. My body is getting used to your—" She puked again, this time with faint traces of blood. "Alright, maybe my progress is slow, but it's a vast improvement from the first time."

"You were in a coma for three days the first time!" the Duke yelled.

"Exactly! Progress!" Lilith grinned.

The Duke could only shake his head in awe at Lilith's sanity—or lack thereof—as he assisted her to the couch. Despite his constant warnings about entering this room, she continued to defy them, regardless of the consequences to her body.

"Will you ever listen to my warnings?" the Duke questioned.

"Never—" Lilith puked again, this time without blood. "As long as I live, you'll always be that crybaby kid I met here when we were being punished!"

"Crybaby? You were the only one crying back then!"

"Oh...right. Well, at least you will always be that kid to me!"

"Why are you even here, Lilith?" the Duke sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I thought Grace was going to dole out some punishment for attacking—wait, is that why you're here? Did you escape from Grace before she punished you?"

Lilith attempted to whistle, but the sound resembled a puff of air more than an actual whistle. The Duke couldn't contain his laughter—not solely at her failed attempt at whistling but also knowing she would face double the punishment the next time Grace finds Lilith.

"Well, since you've chosen to hide here and can't leave for a while, lend me a hand," the Duke all but ordered Lilith, relieving her of her bucket and piling a stack of papers onto her lap.

"Um...this is more Alistair's thing. Can't he help you with this—"

"It's his day of rest, Lilith. So, no, he can't help," the Duke responded, snapping a makeshift table into existence for Lilith to work on.

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