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Luna was in tears as the new planet formed. Titan watched in horror. He didn't mean for the revolution to actually kill Earth. He wanted to make a point, not kill his role model. Europa smirked as Ganymede stared.
     "Wait. WHAT?! he..? IS HE REFORMING?!" Europa shrieked in horror.
     Luna looked up, shocked. His beloved friend, someone he considered a brother, was dead. But being reincarnated?
     The new planet that was forming was brown and blue. A lighter blue than the original Earth's ocean.
     When the new planet was finished forming, everybody besides most of the moons involved in Earth's death were in tears. Luna was sobbing uncontrollably, Venus and Mars were trying hard not to snap.
     "Hello!" The new Earch called. He seemed friendlier.
     Luna couldn't stop crying. Everybody else just stared.
     "Are you uh...are you okay?" The new Earth looked concerned.
     Luna looked at him and smiled slightly, "yea-yeah, I'm fine"
     "I'm Earth! What's your name?" He asked, still concerned for the Grey moon.
     "I'm Luna, your moon," Luna looked around to the other moons and planets as if signaling for help.
     Earth looked confused for a moment, then said, "What do you mean 'my moon'? You're your own celestial being. You don't belong to me, just as I don't belong to you," he looked around, noticing all the eyes on him.
     Luna, along with some of the other moons, smiled. "Re-really? Some planets didn't think that way..." Luna's tears slowly stopped.
     Venus and Mars found it was best to float away, as they didn't want to overwhelm Earth.
     Some of the moons involved in the attack started to disperse, returning to their planets.
     Mercury wanted to interact with Earth but didn't know how. He quickly floated over, introducing himself. "Hello! I'm Mercury," he felt awkward, introducing himself once again.
     Earth looked at the smaller planet, "ooh, you're tiny," he remarked.
     Mercury was afraid this new Earth hadn't changed one bit but continued the conversation. "Yeah, I know I'm tiny. Got a problem with it?
     Earth looked startled at the hint of Mercury being offered but quickly recovered. "Huh? No... no! I don't-sorry if I seemed rude, I've just only heard of bigger planets before," Earth was clearly an awkward individual.
     "Oh, you're good!"

(Hey! So if you have any ideas for the plot or the next chapter, just lmk!)

Reincarnated Earth AuWhere stories live. Discover now