4. Cyborg In College

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The journey to Upstate University unfolded in the rhythmic hum of William's car engine. Ben, Mark, Eve, and Amber, nestled within the confines of the vehicle, shared anticipatory glances as the landscape unfolded before them.

Upon arrival, the group was greeted by Rick, a familiar face, who offered assistance with their bags. Mark, his eyes scanning the surroundings, remarked on the charm of the place. William, nodding in agreement, mentioned the prospect of an enjoyable weekend ahead.

Rick, with a friendly smile, shared his plans for them, including an opportunity to witness a biology class in action. As they strolled through the campus, a kiosk caught their attention, adorned with a missing poster seeking information about Doug Cheston.

Their curiosity lingered as they continued toward the biology class. Within the lecture hall, the professor engaged the students in the wonders of biology. However, their attention was hijacked by the disruptive presence of D.A. Sinclair, a man who saw human failings as engineering challenges. "All your emotions and struggles? Merely engineering problems waiting to be solved."

Amber, unimpressed by Sinclair's dramatic pronouncements, spoke her mind. "You're being a jerk. Life isn't just a bunch of engineering challenges."

Sinclair, undeterred, approached their group, singling out Rick with a backhanded compliment.

Ben, irritated by Sinclair's arrogance, voiced his discontent. "Walk off, Sinclair. Get lost."

Sinclair, however, remained defiant, scoffing at Ben's suggestion. The professor, sensing the escalating tension, intervened. "Mr. Sinclair, you're causing a scene. Kindly leave the class."

William leaned against a moss-covered tree, sharing a conspiratorial moment with Rick. The whispering breeze carried the weight of William's revelation--D.A. Sinclair had been checking him out. Rick, ever the pragmatic soul, dismissed it with a shrug.

"That's just his thing, man. Happens to me all the time," Rick remarked, as if being scrutinized by Sinclair was a routine part of campus life.

"Maybe," William mused, "but it's starting to feel like I'm under a microscope."

Meanwhile, amidst the lively chatter and laughter, Amber approached Mark with a concerned expression. "Hey, Mark, you okay?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting genuine worry.

A subtle smile played on Mark's lips as he reassured her, "I'm happy, really. Just enjoying the moment."

Rick, always the social orchestrator, interjected, "You know what, guys? How about we explore the campus together? Break the monotony."

As the group dispersed to wander the sprawling university grounds, Ben found himself doing the same. Walking around the place, he couldn't shake the feeling that his destiny lay beyond these academic walls.

In a quiet moment, Mark caught up with Ben, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Everything alright, Ben?"

Ben's gaze wandered across the horizon before he replied, "Yeah, just figuring things out. School isn't exactly my calling, you know?"

With a friendly grin, Amber suggested, "Well, it definitely isn't for everyone. But let's make the most of this experience."

In the chaotic midst of the unsuspecting crowd, an explosion shattered the tranquil air, sending shockwaves of panic through the gathered students. From the billowing smoke emerged a menacing cyborg, its cold, mechanical eyes scanning for targets. Gripped by a mysterious affliction, it clutched its head, its movements erratic and hostile.

As the cyborg zeroed in on Rick, William sprang into action, hurling soda cans with swift precision. The metallic projectiles diverted the cyborg's attention, provoking it into a frenzied assault on William. In the blink of an eye, the cyborg's vice-like grip closed around William's throat, the threat of impending doom hanging heavy in the air.

Amber's frantic gaze swept the chaos, searching for the familiar faces of Mark and Ben. Their absence intensified her worry, and her desperate calls echoed through the chaos, unanswered.

In a burst of surreal heroism, Invincible soared into the scene, a beacon of hope. Alongside him streaked XLR8, an alien with unparalleled speed. Invincible collided with the cyborg, forcing it to release its hold on William. XLR8, a blur of motion, delivered rapid blows, each strike a testament to his extraterrestrial agility.

As the battle raged, XLR8 performed a seamless transformation, his body morphing into Upgrade. The galvanic mechamorph merged with the cyborg's tech. In a mesmerizing display, Upgrade dismantled the electronic and mechanical components with remarkable finesse.

Invincible, having subdued the once-menacing cyborg, turned to the group with a reassuring grin. "Looks like we got here in the nick of time. Everyone okay?"

Upgrade approached the man, now freed from his cyborg shackles, his expression a mix of confusion and disorientation. "Are you okay?" Upgrade's synthesized voice resonated with concern, cutting through the lingering tension.

The man, grappling with the aftermath of his ordeal, met Upgrade's gaze before finally responding, "I was kidnapped."

The revelation prompted an immediate inquiry from Invincible. "Kidnapped by who?" he pressed, leaning forward with a furrowed brow.

The man hesitated, his memories obscured by a fog of uncertainty. "I-I don't know," he confessed, a troubled admission hanging in the air. "My memories are a little foggy."

As Upgrade delved into the unsettling conversation, William observed the interaction, a nagging sense of familiarity tugging at the edges of his consciousness. The cadence of Upgrade's voice sparked a realization, and a similar intuition surfaced regarding Invincible. A silent revelation echoed in William's mind -- Upgrade was Ben, and Invincible was Mark.

Suppressing the urge to voice his revelation immediately, William discreetly scanned the surroundings, noting the conspicuous absence of Mark and Ben. It didn't require a genius to connect the dots. The heroes in their midst were none other than their missing friends.

Choosing discretion, William opted to keep this newfound knowledge to himself, a secret tucked away until he could confirm his suspicions.

A voice echoed from behind them, drawing their attention. It was Ben. William's eyes widened in perplexity; he had assumed Upgrade was Ben, yet here stood Ben himself.

"Where's Mark, Ben?" Amber's worry-laden query sliced through the tension. Ben, masking the truth with a practiced lie, responded, "Mark's safe, hiding somewhere."

Meanwhile, Upgrade, addressing the rescued man, asserted, "You'll have to come with me." Skepticism etched the man's face as he inquired, "Where are you taking me?" Upgrade, in his reassuring tone, replied, "To someone who can help you."

Invincible, sensing the situation was under control, turned to Upgrade. "Looks like you got this from here?" he inquired. "Yeah, I got it," Upgrade confirmed. With a nod, Invincible took flight, leaving Upgrade to deal with the aftermath.

In a swift transformation, Upgrade became XLR8, carrying the rescued man at a breakneck speed of sixty miles per hour toward the Global Defense Agency.

Mark returned, reuniting with the group of concerned friends. Ben's presence, now standing before them, drew a skeptical eyebrow raise from Mark, not escaping William's notice. Amber's frustration boiled over as she demanded answers from Mark.

"I was hiding, Amber. I don't want to die from some cyborg," Mark explained, his words met with Amber's incredulous response. "You are unbelievable," she retorted.

Mark, sensing the need for a private conversation, addressed Ben. "Sorry, Amber, but I need to speak with... Ben. Follow me," Mark said, leading Ben a few feet away from the group.

With a serious tone, Mark questioned, "Okay, who the hell are you?" Ben, grinning, answered, "Ben Tennyson."

Mark, not amused, pressed on. "This isn't funny. You were transformed into that fast alien. How can you be in two places at the same time?" he demanded an explanation.

"Fine, I'll spill," Ben conceded. "One of my aliens, Echo Echo, can make duplicates. I made a duplicate, transformed back into a human, and the other me transformed into XLR8," he explained, unraveling the enigma behind his seemingly impossible presence in two forms.

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